Maganoasia Organization in Fold: Age of Sorrows | World Anvil
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Maganoasia history is marked by the wars that have been wrought across it's lands. Various tribes and clans attempting to gain control of important trade routes and control of these lands.   While many noteable names and tribes have etched themselves into Maganoasias history, 'Storm Couriers' are the ones who have currently taken the front seat of power in Maganoasia with their innate connection with lightning.   Each clan vies for power, each attempting to attain it in their own way. They rarely involve outside influences, knowing that doing so would indept them. Something a clans pride will simply not allow.    


The various clans of Maganoasia understand that as long as it doesn't interfere with the trade routes, anything goes.   Additionally, the lands around Cherryroth are considered neutral grounds, having long since boomed into the trade capital of Maganoasia, if not the world. This is due to the many deals The Blood Quill have made over the years, securing a safe haven for every clan.

Public Agenda

Most of the tribes within Maganoasia are driven by greed or visions of grandeur. There have been a few who have attempted to unite the various tribes under one banner, more often than not however they are driven under the heel of the more blood thirsty or ruthless.


Maganoasia is known for many things. Gold, slaves and ivory however are the most sought after commodities the land has to offer.


Originally having felt the effects of the War in the Heavens harder than other countries. The tabaxi that had once been held as slaves in the region revolted against the Catran empire.   These tabaxi would eventually split off into smaller groups, today, the most noteable of these clans have etched themselves as the main 7 clans.   There have been many attempts at conquering these 'savage' tribes. And while some of these have resulted in a temporary occupation, within a century power once again returns to the Maganoasians for one reason or another.

Gold Talks

Founding Date
50th Year of the Age of Sorrows
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Golden Plains
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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