Worldwide Movie Awards Tradition / Ritual in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Worldwide Movie Awards

While the Worldwide Movie Awards is an event that the whole world participates in, it’s not a unified event for the whole world. Each of the regions hosts its own show, where only the local movies and movie creators are awarded. The shows are hosted in 20 districts of T@Ö#Ä3 and 20 districts of Ä+*4~. The show isn’t only about movies, but includes everything from tv shows to theater plays as well. These are usually hosted in the same month as Worldwide Music Awards.

Hosting the show

The show is hosted in whichever is considered to be the capital of a certain area, the biggest shows are in Central Area of Ä+*4~, and Central City of T@Ö#Ä3. The show is hosted by different hosts each year, usually celebrities or hosts of town square shows of each area.

The show features a combination of live performances of the nominated and winning musicians and, of course, giving out awards. The awards given out are standard Golden Bald Mermaids.


The awards are given out from the hosts to the winners for several different categories:

  • best actor/actress
  • best cast
  • best movie director
  • best movie
  • best tv show
  • best theater play
  • best [movie genre]*
  • best actor in [category]**
  • most memorable scene/quote
  • best [independent creator]***
  • best [independent creator] work***
  • etc…

* Each area may choose their own preferred movie genres that can be anything from horror to comedy, fantasy to documentaries, and more. The categories may change from year to year in a certain district as well, depending on what the most popular movies in a certain time and place were.

**There are many excellent actors in our world, some are movie stars, and some are more theater oriented. To acknowledge the achievements of as many different actors no matter what field they work in, many different categories were created.

***It’s undeniable that with platforms like Jutub! you don’t have to be a big movie star to get your name out there anymore. Many small creators on these platforms create excellent work, from comedy skits to docu-series, and they need to be awarded for their efforts just as well. Here they only get two categories that apply to all of them, but they do have their own award shows with more detailed categories.

Each of the categories has 3 nominees, and only one of them is chosen as the winner. A lot of these awards go to the creators of the shows or movies, but there’s more than enough awards to go to specific actors.


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