Subscription Boxes Item in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Subscription Boxes

Our world is actually bigger and more full of different opportunities, places, interesting things to see and learn that it may seem at the first glance. It’s not always easy to seek out all these different experiences and items in person, but luckily, now more than ever our world is connected through the internet, and fast and reliable mail delivery services. Because of this, different subscription boxes delivering you different items from all across the world have become extremely popular in recent years. They are available to order in the special “subscription box” category on Shopsy, and surely also on some other special app for that, that I can’t be bothered to come up and write a whole thing about right now. Out of many, here are the most notable ones:

T@Ö#Ä3 Box

A monthly subscription box filled with a variety of goods from T@Ö#Ä3. Each month you get a box filled with 6 items, one of which is a surprise mystery item. All of these things related with T@Ö#Ä3 and its culture, such as drugs, weapons, porn, strange and unique collectibles, snacks or drinks.

One box will cost you a ★★✰✰✰ price, but price/box will be slightly lower if you opt for a yearly subscription. There are also organized monthly raffles and giveaways that let lucky winners win special extra prizes.

Though this box was originally designed to bring T@Ö#Ä3 culture to other parts of the world, it is currently most popular in T@Ö#Ä3 itself. In Ä+*4~ it’s most popular among people who came here from T@Ö#Ä3 and are feeling a bit homesick and nostalgic about the life they left behind. Nevertheless, there is still a pretty big number of those who live in areas of Ä+*4~ who are just curious and fascinated by T@Ö#Ä3 lifestyle.


OwO Box

This is a box filled with all things cute - everything that will make you go "OwO - What's this?". This subscription box is sold from Ä+*4~, and contains 5-8 cute items each month. These could be anything from plushies or sweets to cute stationery and other useful items. Merchandise of Binky and Floof series as well as unicorn toys are some things that are regularly featured in this box.

The box is a bit pricey at ★★★★✰ price, but it is filled with many high quality unique items that are well worth the price. You can save some money by opting for a yearly subscription, and if you’re lucky you may win one for their special holiday giveaways.

While this box is primarily targeted to young girls, there are many people of all genders and ages who enjoy buying these.


T@Ö#Ä3 Box
Price: ★★✰✰✰
Sold From: T@Ö#Ä3
Contents: Sketchy T@Ö#Ä3 related stuff

OwO Box
Price: ★★★★✰
Sold From: Ä+*4~
Contents: Cute items and snacks


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