Some of the Sports and Games of our world in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Some of the Sports and Games of our world

Gegen den Stuhl

This is an unusual race where the contestants are moving towards a chair at the end of the track. The winner of this race isn’t the one who makes it to the chair first, but the one who arrives last. Because of this, this race can take hours or the contestants trying to move forward as slow as possible. The only rule of this race is that the contestants must keep moving forward without stopping or turning back. Moving forward slowly like this for hours is more exhausting than it sounds, that’s why the chair at the end where the contestant can finally sit down seems very inviting. Many will just get fed up in the middle of this race and walk up to the chair just to be able to sit down.

Parkour Race

This is not your average race confined to a race track in a sports arena. This race has the starting point at one end of the town, and the finishing point at the other end. The contestants have to make their way across town as fast as possible, and the fastest way to do that is to parkour your way across the rooftops. There are nearly no limitations to how you make your way across or what route you take, as long as you’re the fastest one. If you’re not participating in the race you better watch out as well; these people will stop at nothing to make their way to the finish, they will push you under the bus or run right through your apartment if they have to.


Ballstick is a confusing game with confusing rules. It involves two teams of 3 players, one of which in each team has a ballstick - a brass stick with a ball on top. The goal is to obtain the cube from the opposing team. This is done by knocking the cube from the opponent's hand with the ballstick, while the opponent with the ballstick uses the said ballstick to defend the holder of the cube.

The 5 second rule says that if the cube holder drops the cube by accident, the opposing team has exactly 5 seconds to obtain the cube, or it will go back to the original cube holding team. One the cube is obtained, the tables are turned and the opposing team will try to get the cube back from you. This can go back and forth like this for hours and the game has no points.


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