Mind Games Chip Technology / Science in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Mind Games Chip

What is this sorcery?

It’s pretty simple - mind games chip is a gaming chip that can be installed directly into your brain. With this chip in your brain, you will be able to activate and play many classic games, just with the power of your mind - and the chip, of course.

How was it invented?

At first it was invented by artificial people, for artificial people. See they’re basically robots, and are used to have many enhancements installed into their brains and bodies. Who knows why, out of everything, this was exactly the one that moles wanted for themselves too. It probably has something to do with moles being naturally more emotional and childish, and care more about playing games than a lot of other things.

Anyway, the chip was modified to be able to be installed into a mole brain, and used for playing games in one’s mind.

How does it work?

Once installed in one’s brain, one’s inner fairies are now in charge of it, same as with everything else. The mole in charge of the body can simply decide to play a game, and the inner fairies will activate the chip.

The chip works on the same channel of one’s brain as dreams do, that’s why you are well advised to find a comfortable spot where you won’t be bothered, to activate the chip. Once activated, a mole will fall into a state similar to dreaming with the chip providing something like a full VR experience - but better. Working on the same channels as dreams, this provided an experience comparable to a fully controlled lucid dream, where you can use your body and your environment as you please and go on any adventure you like - in the safety of your own bed. Here, of course, you do have to follow some rules - after all you are playing a game that works by its own rules, has its own levels and options, but nevertheless.

What games are there?

It all started simple, with a less deep state and simpler games. Playing mind games wasn’t as fully immersive as it is now, but was more like a daydream with simpler games, such as tetris or snake.

As technology advances, and it does so quickly, the more complex games can be played like this. Imagine playing games such as Tomb Raider or Assassin’s Creed, except you /are/ the main character! However, not all of the games have been or can be modified to be used with a mind games chip. Currently, a lot of games are developed specifically for mind games platform, but more and more games are still being modified to be played on mind games.


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