JURE! and the others Organization in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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JURE! and the others

Starting the Band [1]

Though the name of the band JURE! and the others makes it seem as though Jure is the main guy in the band, this is not quite true. The idea for creating this band was mainly Andrej’s.

Andrej grew up with rich parents, always being used to getting all he wanted and having more money than he needed. But still, as he later moved out and his family started growing, it was up to him as the leader of the family to make sure there’s enough money for everyone. And he wasn’t aiming for an average comfortable lifestyle. Growing up he was used to only the best, and he wanted to provide the same standard for everyone in his family. Though more people meant more sources of income, Andrej would still resort to various scams to earn even more money. And his creativity had no limit when it came to inventing new ways to get money out of people. It was only a matter of time when he would come up with the idea to start a band. It seemed perfect, he could get a few friends together and let them do most of the work, while he would get the money and the cool title of being in a band.

Finding friends to join his band seemed fairly easy, he already knew a few people who would fit the role perfectly.

First one of these was his best friend Tadej. He was always up for any plan Andrej had and was already quite the music lover. He already learnt to play drums in high school, and he wouldn’t miss out on an opportunity to put this skill to good use.

Next was Nina’s new husband, Jure. He was creative and has been writing poems since a very young age. It was one of his favorite ways to express his thoughts and feelings, and just being creative. By now, he’s gotten pretty good at it. However, this was always a very personal thing to him. He would rarely show off any of his works to people other than Nina and he never felt the need to make money off of it. But when Andrej presented him with the idea of joining the band, he had to take it into consideration. It didn’t seem as much of a scam as Andrej made it out to be, it was actually honest work, and Jure wouldn’t mind doing some honest work to help out his family with money. And after all, what are your talents worth if you don’t share them with your loved ones. Andrej chose Jure to be the frontman of the band, as he was the nicest and most personable out of the bunch. He figured that Jure’s friendly demeanor would be helpful in getting them fans.

But the band was not yet complete. Jure agreed to join, but only under one condition: if Simon can join too. Jure and Simon have been inseparable since childhood and were used to always doing everything together, there was no way Jure would join a band without him. Simon himself wouldn’t mind that though. He was a shy guy who didn’t want this kind of attention, and was skeptical about joining at first, though it seemed like a cool idea. After some convincing from the others, he occupied the very important spot of the 3rd guy in the band. He was perfect for it, as someone who would prefer to stay in the background anyway.

Active Years

Now with the band established, guys could start working on some songs. They quickly became known for Jure’s creative lyrics. Jure didn’t feel comfortable sharing his most private writings with the world like that so since this was more or less a sham band anyway, he figured he would just have fun and get creative with his lyrics. One of their first songs, and a first major success was the song titled “Ich habe Durchfall, können sie mir helfen”, in which only the title sentence would repeat 17 times. As it was later revealed, this was just Jure’s plan of writing a song in german, despite not knowing the language. Due to this, and similar shenanigans with other songs, other guys in the band started doubting if it was the best to let Jure talk too much about his lyrics. In fact, they left him locked in the closet for the interview regarding the “Ich habe Durchfall, können sie mir helfen” song.[2] But even if they tried to hide Jure away, there was no hiding from his outlandish lyrics, and at the end of the day they had to explain them in a way Jure intended them anyway.

In the following years they let Jure do his thing and embraced his interesting lyrics. After all, this was exactly what people loved about their music. Mysterious metaphors and strange paradoxes became the hallmark of JURE! and the others’ music. They gained a fair amount of popularity, though they were only inconsistently active. They remain active to this day, on their own inconsistent schedule.

Joining Metal Sheep

The sporadic activity of JURE! and the others were always more Simon and Andrej’s fault. Which is kinda ironic considering the band was Andrej’s idea to begin with. He had fun with it, but he also had a job to work at and all the other plans and schemes he wanted to do, so he didn’t always have all the time he would need to be in a band. Simon on the other hand liked the idea of being in a band, but at the same time he didn’t enjoy the attention that would come with being in the band. He didn’t mind the band going inactive for periods of time. But Jure and Tadej got quite comfortable with the idea of being in a band. Jure left behind the job he had at his mom’s lab years ago, and didn’t have any other actual job at the moment, so he could focus full time on just working on poems and lyrics for the band. Tadej had a job at his dad’s Satan’s temple, but he still had enough time to focus on doing other things. And being in a band was one of the things he would particularly enjoy doing. This slowly caused a divide between the band’s members. On one side were Andrej and Simon who took the band as a casual side gig, and on the other side were Jure and Tadej who wanted more for their band. It was a problem they themselves were unable to solve. Luckily enough, they got help from another band in their family, Metal Sheep. After Andrej’s sister Nina saw that he started a band with his friends she was quite frankly a bit jealous. Not only her brother started this cool new band, he did it without her. She was always his sidekick and did everything together with him, but now when he came up with the coolest idea ever, she ended up left out. But she didn’t let this bring her down; she created her own band instead with her BFF Tim and his boyfriend Cereal Killer. They had a lot of fun and notable success with their band, but there’s always room for improvement. And now, this improvement would come in the form of new band members. They gladly invited Tadej and Jure, along with Tina, to join their band. That let Jure and Tadej focus more on the new band they were now in, while still staying active in JURE! and the others when Andrej and Simon wanted them to. In addition to that, Andrej and Simon are also welcome in Metal Sheep as just in case backup members, but with 6 people already being in there it’s unlikely they will really be needed much. Which is completely fine by them honestly.

Metal Sheep poster


[1] - Andrej tells a short version of this story in Day 9: Evening Show at Town Square
[2] - This happened in 104

JURE! and the others in comics

JURE! and the others appears in several BBOLJ and DANGER COMIC episodes

Entertainment, Music band
Andrej, Jure, Simon, Tadej
Related Bands:
Metal Sheep

Cover image: JURE! and the others poster


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