Crop Plants Species in Flat Earth | World Anvil
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Crop Plants

Our world relies almost entirely on plant based food. As such, there is no surprise that large areas of our world are dedicated to agriculture. Especially in Fairy Gardens you’ll find fields stretching out through almost the entire area. These fields are owned by large farms of this area. Here, the crops grown on these fields are so important, that each month here's names after one main crop that is harvested that month. But no only in Fairy Gardens, in Ä+*4~ as well you’ll find many people growing crops around their houses. Here, this is done on a much smaller scale and for more self-sufficient reasons. Both Desert, and the entire continent of T@Ö#Ä3 are incredibly non-beneficial for growing crops, especially on a larger scale, though you might find some stuff growing there too.

Top 5 Crops

Some of the most important and common crop plants you’ll find in our world are as follows:

1. Wheat

Wheat is mainly cultivated in the northern parts of Fairy Gardens and Ä+*4~. It is harvested just at the end of Hot Summer in Ä+*4~, at the end of IV. month. In fairy Gardens, the Wheat centered harvest day and the month of Wheat takes place in V. month.

Wheat is the most basic crop used in a wide variety of food products. It is made into flour that can be used to make many baked goods, cereals and even pasta. Right here, in the northern parts of Ä+*4~ you’ll find district “Pasta la Vista”, home of many traditional dishes made with pasta.

2. Corn

Corn is just about as common and important in our world as wheat. It is grown in many parts of Fairy Gardens, but it’s maybe even more common in rural parts of Ä+*4~. It is harvested in late Warn Summer in Fairy Gardens, in IX. month - this is the month and harvest day dedicated to corn.

Corn offers a wide variety of uses. In Fairy Gardens many like to roast corn on the cob over a fire pit and the more adventurous people like to attempt to make popcorn on the cob in such a way, but this is hard to pull off and you’re more likely to get a hot corn kernel in your eye or something so maybe be careful with that one. Besides that, corn can be used in many different ways, including corn flour for corny baked goods, the always popular corn wafers, popcorn, corn flakes and more.

3. Rice

Rice is another extremely important crop of your world. It is grown mainly in south-east parts of Fairy Gardens. Rice is the first crop harvested in the new year, in II. month - this is the Rice month that hosts rice themed harvest day.

Rice as well is used in a wide variety of foods. Many like to enjoy a rice bowl with sweet or savory toppings, but it can also be made into rice flour, rice cereal, rice wafers, rice chocolate and more. Rice milk can also be made from rice, but it’s a bit of a gamble. People either love it or hate it, but there’s no in between.

4. Soy

Soy is particularly important as a source of protein in a world where there’s very few animal based foods to find. It’s grown all over Fairy Gardens and rural areas of Ä+*4~. It’s the last harvested crop of the year, harvested in X. month - the month of soy with a soy oriented harvest day.

The most important use of soy is production of soy milk, and other “fake dairy” foods made from it. It can be used for other things as well, such as soy wax, and soy oil is also widely used for industrial purposes. Soybeans are also a very popular meal for catbunnies, but also other livestock people may have.

5. Hemp

While hemp seeds can be used in food, hemp is more important for many other uses. It’s grown mainly in east Fairy Gardens, but can be found all over Ä+*4~, even some parts of T@Ö#Ä3 grow a special kind of T@Ö#Ä3 hemp.. Hemp is known to grow pretty fast, and the first hemp harvest takes place in IV. month of the year - this is the hemp month with a hemp harvest day. In east parts of Fairy Gardens in particular hemp can be harvested even twice a year.

Hemp can be used for things like seeds or hemp oil, but it’s main uses are for a wide variety of other things. Fabrics, paper, plastic, biofuel and many other items in our world are made of, or contain hemp. This is no surprise, as hemp is known to grow fast, and it’s products are highly recyclable.

Other crops

These are only the top 5 grains of our world and their main uses, but of course, there’s much more stuff to be found. Some other popular crops grown across Fairy Gardens and Ä+*4~ include, but are not limited to stuff like spelt, oats, amaranth, rye, flax, quinoa, chia and more. All of these are used for either food or a variety of other useful items.


A thing to note is, that a lot of these may be familiar to an average traveler of this multiverse, but it should be taken into account that through centuries of evolution and genetic modification many of these crops may exhibit some different characteristics to those of the ancient times. While people of the past were often cautious and distrustful towards genetically modified organisms, people who had to endure the apocalyptic years dived head first into all sorts of genetic modifications and altering the very DNA everything in our world is made of. Still today, people are constantly trying to improve the world and organisms living in it, and take special pride in it too. Unlike in the ancient times, in our world you will often see labels on food or other items proudly proclaiming they contain genetically modified organisms - the more genetically modified they are, the better.

Considering the limitations of our world it only makes sense to create crops better adapted to our climate and environment, but you can be pretty damn sure scientists out there are working to create chocolate flavored rice or popcorn on the cob already growing like this from the ground. Only time will tell if all this genetic modification insanity will be for better, or for worse.


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