That Damn Elefantle Character in Flātellus | World Anvil
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That Damn Elefantle

Tell us about a famous animal in your world - how did they get to be so famous?   This character is famous for being the only Elephantle known to have caused a civil war.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Settlers farmers had recently settled new frontiers further in the the frontiers of Chaac c {planet}. The Settlers were encoountering growing problems with the indigenous wild life that had gotten used to their new neighbors. Especially the elephantles were curious of the farms. They were often visiting them, and then digging out crops, damaging trees by scratching their shells on them. The largest problem, however, was that they had the habit of trying to eat the crops, and because the alien plants were not edible to them because of the different chemical composition, it was causing them complications, including deaths.   The ALBA (Alien Life and Biohazards Agency) was conserned by the spread of the colonisation, and was monitoring the situation closely. The local Settlers complained to the ALBA that there weren't enough legal means to deter the protected alien species. ALBA threatened the farmers and the planetal government with unmanagable fines from breaking the interplanetary animal conservation law.   The situation escalated, when one of the farmers got fed up with the situation, and shot a young and particularly tame elephantle cow (by accident, when he tried to scare it away, as he later claimed). The elephantle ran away but, weakened by the wound, collapsed on a road three days later, and happened to be found by an ALBA official who had arrived to inspect the situation.

The poor elephantle was immediately transferred to the Capital, where it was given (expensive) emergency treatment. The culprit refused to confess immediately, so the officer ordered all of the 16 farmers of the nearby village to be arrested and taken to the Capital. All of them were tied hanging upside down on the main squary before the History of the Settlement monument, despite the fact that the culprit (and several others) had already confessed and were begging for mercy.   The decision was quickly deemed unreasonable and unfair, and it took only four and half hours until the police was forced to help the poor farmers down. But this was not the end, and unrest was caused throught the whole planet, and the Settlers declared that they didn't want anything to do with the ALBA. The unhappy farmers were marching to the Capital to protest, and the leaders were forced to politely order the recident ALBA officials to leave the planet.


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