Allura Vysoren Character in Feywild | World Anvil
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Allura Vysoren

• Ambassador of Syngorn ○ Guide, Arcana Pansophical ○ Master of Arcana, Tal'Dorei Council • Resides in a permanent Magnificent Mansion in the Emerald Citadel • Allura has stated that she made Bags of Holding as a child to pass the time on weekends when she was little, and as such is very familiar with what the magical items are and are not capable of. • Met Drake Thunderbrand during the Scattered War, on opposing sides. Both were invited to join a new secret society of the Arcana Panasophical and have been lifelong friends ever since.     Tal'Dorei Council The Six Masters are elected by a popular vote of the of all cities with an ambassador on the council. During time of war, the council elects the Seventh Master, the Master of War, by a vote of all masters, ambasadors, and delegates. • Development: Oversees all major construction and renovation within the cities of Emon, Westruun, and Kymal. • Arcana: Keeps vigil over the lawful use of magics within Tal'Dorei, matters beyond the mundane, and occasionally works with the Alabaster Lyceum Headmaster. • Law: Enforces the law from within the Watchful Hall, serving as High Judge on grand matters of the court, approving any exalted amendments, and managing the smaller courts across the land. • Commerce: Maintains the economy, good trade relations, and watches over the treasury. • Information: Oversees foreign diplomacy and maintains a well-developed network of spies and informants. • Defense: Head of the Emon Guard, maintains order and peace within the city and sometimes beyond. Leadership of military might is assigned to the Master of Defense in times of peace. • War: A temporary position, takes charge of all warfare and strategic decisions during times of severe strife and impending conflict.


Drake Thunderbrand


Towards Allura Vysoren


Allura Vysoren


Towards Drake Thunderbrand




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