Wool Shire Settlement in Ferrum | World Anvil

Wool Shire

Wool Shire   Population: 41,200+/- Human 60%, Halfling 39%, Other 1%   Government: Monarchy (King Darwin Hawk) Baron Tristan Harrow   Religions: The Path of Nature, The Hexen   Imports: Lumber, Stone, Dye, Finished goods   Exports: Wool, Finished Cloth, Sheep, Grains   Alignments: NG   Located in the west valley flats is where this large city is located. Lots of grassy, rolling grazing lands the sheep do well here. Many of the town’s populace belongs to the oldest guild in the city, the Weavers Guild. The makeup of the folk here are mostly humans with a spattering of halflings who run farms or the occasional southern highlander who has settled down enough to live civilly in the town. With a population of just over 41,000 during the Steel Age, this is a full fledge city complete with a mayor and a proper stone wall. Mayor Tristan Harrow resides over the city. Also known here is the art of gold plating. Many halflings are very gifted at this and are located here. It has become known that Woolshire is a place for gold plated objects. The wool exchange is also located here. It is a large building where wool when harvested is sold from farm to spinners and weavers. Also at this location are the worked wool products are sold. Often buyers have a metal ring with several cards on it of varying shades of white and black to grade the color of the wool to purchase the closest colors. Variations of this ring are made for colors as well for dyed wool. A small comb is also a tool used to help determine quality.   It is often joked about that the shepherds have sex with the sheep because they are so protective of them. In truth the protection is more than just the sheep but the lineage of the sheep for different kinds or quality wool. Sheep dog and wolf hound are a common breed on the ranch rather than the traditional canids of Tower Rock, the typical mastiff but Weaselpig are also common as well mixed with wolf hounds or sheep dogs. Common crops in the area relate to the wool trade as well. Various plants used to craft dyes for the wool; indigo (blue), Lilac (yellow), Bloodroot & lichens (red), nut shells (walnut, pecan etc…) brown, Iris roots & dark oak bark (black), Chamomile & peppermint entire plant (green) and many other secondary byproducts such as rusty iron bits. Some products are imported like dried flowers from exotic locations. Scented soap and candles are also produced in Woolshire. With the rotation of lamb and mutton in the area the tallow is used to make soap and candles. Soap is often used to clean clothing and cloth. The candles are a strong supplemental item for lighting things up at night second to lamp oil produced from the fat of Whisker Shark. Soaps are scented with flowers, herbs and even fruits and vegetables.
Large city


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