

Member Since 15 Aug, 2021
12 Followers 46289 Page views 14 Likes

This world started as a way to help me deal with my PTSD from combat. A few years ago I shared it with others in a Pathfinder game. Ferrum has now grown to be a playable world with a semi sandbox feel.

Interests & Hobbies

Other interests include but not limited to Jeeps/Jeep Club, Survival/Self reliance, Aquaponics, crafting terrain for my games, DIY halloween decor, pirates and renn fairs as well as many other things

Favorite Movies

Alien, Predator, Pirate movies (to many to name here), The Three Musketeers, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter, Braveheart, and many many more

Favorite TV Series

Gargoyles the cartoon, Clone Wars, Face Off, Ancient Aliens

Favorite Books

The Anvil of Ice, The Hellbound Heart, The Lone Drow and the Two Swords. Its a tie

Favorite Writers

Clive Barker, R.A. Salvatore, MIchael Scott Rohan, John Flanagin

Favorite Games

Pathfinder 1E, Minecraft, Neverwinter Nights, Diablo III,