Uhnole Species in Ferrum | World Anvil


Uhnole (uh - NO - lee) Chameleon Folk   A sub-race of Lizard Folk     Height, Weight and Age - Uhnole stand between 2.5 and 3.5 feet tall with the males usually being the taller of the race. It is not unheard of to see a taller female or a shorter male. They weigh in around 45 lbs. The range of weight varies like humans do so a weight range is between 55 and 30 lbs. Again males of the species are typically heavier than females. On average the little lizard folk live to around 65 – 80 years old. Though the females will live a longer life than the males ancients among the race have happened with life span exceeding a century. Physiology - Physically the Uhnole are a rather anthropomorphized chameleon very similar to the common variety of lizard folk but smaller. They are in fact a cousin to the lizard folk and have evolved the same way. Bipedal humanoids with three toed feet with a opposed foot thumb and two fingers with an opposable thumb on each hand rounded out with a prehensile tail for griping and climbing. The tail is not good for tool use but the strong grip of the hands allow for is as well as a strong grip for climbing. The feet are sure to grip branches and footholds during climbs. The skin is mostly a green color with stripes of various types and colors. The ability to change colors has remained and evolved to an even greater control to put fine detail and more colors into the patterns. The smaller stature and lighter weight more akin to a young human or a standard halfling, climbing is a natural way of life. Rather omnivorous the chameleons live on a diet based on availability. Bugs, of the larger varieties like huge beetles, birds and a favorite is the Redlark, small game animals like squirrels, fruits among them apples and apricots and other plants as well as fish The extending tongue reaches nearly 6 feet in some and is extremely quick for hunting birds. Sexual maturity is attained around age 16 – 20. Reproduction is in the form of eggs with a female laying a typical clutch of around 8 – 10. The female will create a nest of rocks and sand to bury the eggs in. The eggs are soft and leathery with only 1 – 4 of the eggs reaching hatching. The skull crest is standard on all of the race but the random distribution of the horns seem to very with size and usually don’t begin to appear till puberty begins.     Psychology – The vast majority of the uhnole are very curious. They also have a fondness for tradition telling colorful stories of the tribe’s history and chronicling them in hand made long scrolls made from leaves of the home trees. They are of a goodly nature celebrating life and balance of nature. When they create something of a manufactured sort it is often over decorated by the human eye but very functional. Celebration and dance are also ingrained in the life of the chameleons, often organizing a party over several months; everything from celebrating a coupling of life-mates, the hatching of nest eggs or the return of the hunters. A few constant celebrations are entering adult hood around age 16, the seasons, and the holy day of the deities. Male and females both share the burden of leadership in the form of one spiritual leader and one hunt leader. Sometimes the tribal leaders will both be a hunter or spiritual leader and in that case a second couple shares the burden to balance out the hunt and spirit. Balance of nature is very important to this race and it shows in everything they do from clothing and architecture to weapons and harvesting the fruits of the rainforest. They do as a race prefer megalithic statuary placed on the ground as opposed to the upper tree life they live daily. It helps mark territory as well as gives a marker for places of worship. Preferring to worship in the open air rather than inside a buildings cut off from nature. The effigies are most often simple and stylized in nature but sometimes stone carvings will be worked into life like almost real causing outsiders to believe a medusa is in the area. Trickery, deception and misdirection Environment - Society -       Hunting with a bow, short spear, sling or even a type of bolo is common. Tribes will also engage in competitions with other tribes with skills of climbing, hunting, hiding or any other prized skill of the area to show support for one another or as a festival for potential life mates. The colorful folk can hunt with their long toung’s and have been known to reach nearly two to three times the length of their bodies. Male and female mate for life often choosing a mate during an inter-tribal competition held once a year based on local traditions. A female will often court a male for attention by bringing him gifts and the males in turn will hunt or return with a gift. Architecture consists of smaller wood and leaf huts grown high in the trees. The wood is never harvested but trained as it grows. The art of camouflage spills over into the style and décor of the small domicile giving further hidden aspects to the small tree lizards. Clothing consist of Crowns made of feathers, flowers or other colorful objects, decorated satchels and belts and a style of loin cloth of short britches. The females favor reds and yellows but sport all colors and the males favor greens and blues but also sport all colors. A cloak made of large leaves commonly serves as a designation of higher rank in the tribe or even wealth. The folk do delve in technology but do so very slowly. Metal working has its place but remains in the areas of light alloys and anodizing them in colors. Cloth and rope are also manufactured but mostly at the home level as a daily chore or task. Jewelry is favored by many and shunned by some but mostly revolve around semi-precious stones and silver. Polished mirrors are highly prized and used during the worship of the paired deities Sunfeather The forest father and Redlark the earth mother.


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