The Herbal Apothecary and Potion Shop in Ferrum | World Anvil

The Herbal Apothecary and Potion Shop

The Herbal Apothecary and Potion Shop   This tiny shop located in Cauldrons Hold is the home and shop of the Gardner family. The ground floor consists of the shop, kitchen and locked supply room. The upstairs rooms are the sleeping quarters for the family, Mordon and his half elf wife Moonwynn the twin children Ash and Cynder. The shop sells fresh and dried herbs grown in the family greenhouse as well as producing some of the finest alchemy products in the kingdom. A few actual potions are available as well. They also stock a few poison pill rings and some other special jewelry related to alchemy such as needle rings, locket snuff holders and many more. Empty bottles tins and other supplies can be had for the traveling alchemist in addition to selling healer kits and salves. Homemade scented soaps such as lavender for the ladies and oakwood musk for the men. Perfumes and colognes are also available on a limited supply. Both Mordon and Moonwynn produce the herbs, alchemy, potions, powders and most other alchemical products working as production partners. They are also both members of the local druids circle as well.


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