Silver Material in Ferrum | World Anvil


Silver: HP/inch 10; Hardness 8; Cost see table   Type of Item Item Cost Modifier Ammunition +2 gp Light weapon +20 gp One-handed weapon, or one head of a double weapon +90 gp Two-handed weapon, or both heads of a double weapon +180 gp A complex process involving metallurgy and alchemy can bond silver to a weapon made of steel so that it bypasses the damage reduction of creatures such as lycanthropes.   On a successful attack with a silvered slashing or piercing weapon, the wielder takes a –1 penalty on the damage roll (with a minimum of 1 point of damage). The alchemical silvering process can’t be applied to nonmetal items, and it doesn’t work on rare metals such as adamantine, cold iron, and mithril.


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