Shepard’s Hold Settlement in Ferrum | World Anvil

Shepard’s Hold

Shepard’s Hold   Population: 1000+/- Human 90%, Halfling 5%, Other 5%   Government: Monarchy (King Darwin Hawk) Druid grounds keeper/ Gen. II Div.   Religions: The Path of Nature, The Hexen   Imports: Finished goods   Exports: Hay, feed for ranch animals   Alignments: NG   Shepard’s Hold is located in the south western portion of the valley. This used to be little more than a village consisting of a few inns and a garrison of soldiers. Over the years the sheep herders, during overnight travels would sleep on this small hillock to have better watch over the animals. With time came the first buildings and then the next. Now built almost entirely by the East Ferrum Trade Co. this little village is growing as a caravan and traveler stop over. With the addition of the II Division home base the town has grown quickly. It is also a main supplier for hay for the herds during the winter. Hay and feed fields dominate the area and large barns keep hay safe until needed for winter. Fewer sheep are in the area that once dominated in favor of the feed farms for the sheep to the north and even the elk and deer ranches far to the east. Voquuine breeders generally need a hardier feed than just hay and grain so very little goes to the breeders from here.


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