Halfling Inwut in Ferrum | World Anvil

Halfling Inwut

Halfling (Inwut)   This second halfling dominated culture lives in a much more nomadic nature similar. The Inwut inhabit small coastal beaches in the cold northern mountains near Paladine, Uralic, Dramheim and even the coasts of the northern continent Frostland. They hunt sea lions, seal, Mithril Otter and fish in addition to following the migrating paths of the orcas and Whisker Shark to the northern shores of Firespine and then back again when they return. Wood and bone weapons are the most popular but steel harpoons and spears are prized above all else. Kayaks, canoes and catamarans are the preferred boat styles. The catamarans are often fashioned in a very large tri hulled manner with either two masts for sails or a single mast with a kite like sail anchored to the entire vessel. A small dual hulled ice craft is also designed for sail skating over the thick ice beds. Small villages have been known to spend time on larger iceberg’s with seal skin huts and small bronze or iron oil burners to keep warm without melting the snow and ice. This is one of two halfling cultures known to not live among other beings but the oral history states the human cultures they lived alongside were wiped out by disease and war. Some written accounts record this as well in short story planks.   Language (Spoken and written)   A pair of languages is unique to this off shoot of halflings. A dialect of common is used but is often very difficult to understand by those who speak common. In addition to this a dialect of halfling is used but is far easier to understand as it has little more than an accent making it distinct. Some slang and local terms make the pair of languages stand out. The written language follows the Frostland alphabet and looks a bit different from any of the languages tied to the above spoken languages. While it can be deciphered it can be confusing and mistakes are more likely to happen in any direction of translation.   Literature (Fiction, Non-fiction, educational, historical)   The written art form is minimal here but does exist. Commonly poems and short stories are recorded on planks of wood or even bone or ivory. Some history and technical manuals exist but those are precious and guarded to the death.   Music   The music of this culture is almost exclusively percussion instruments. Drums dominate the rhythms but ivory, bone or wood xylophones exist in larger villages. Little to no singing happens with accompanying instruments. Singing almost exclusively happens during celebration while instruments often dictate ceremony and hunts or war.   Arts (visual, paint, sculpt, carving etc…)   Carving is the dominant form of art while ivory, bone and wood dominate the mediums. Some painting exists mostly on seal skins and wood. Bead work is also common with them being made from shells, glass or precious and semi-precious stones.   Architecture   Tents and yurts dominate the architecture of the Inwut. The tents are set up in holes dug into the snow then covered with blocks of packed snow leaving a space above the tent. The floors are covered with several layers of seal, walrus and fish skins then topped with comfortable furs. Prized braziers are set up off the floor commonly made of thick copper, bronze or other metals. Decorative tin flues are then attached leaving an way for the smoke to escape. Carved stones most often granite are hung around the brazier to heat up and rotated and hung in other places around the tents or yurts. Small tunnels are dug to create a village under the snow to escape the wind and snows. During the short summers the tents and yurts are waterproof and protect from the rains.   Gardens   Each family contributes to a community garden that can be transported. This circular garden is constructed with wooden planks and large bone ribs to cover it. It is by far the largest structure of any village. They are protected to the death and are very valuable. Everything from herbs, vegetables and flowers fill this garden. Smaller family barrels are kept that grow exclusively potatoes.   Clothing (materials, fashion, colors)   Fashion is dictated by function. Almost all clothes are based on seal skin and Mithril Otter furs as a primary layer. Summer clothes are almost exclusively seal skin alone. It allows the halflings to swim in their cloths and keep them warm in the chilly water and often is lifesaving during boating accidents. The second layer is often a thin leather with beaded trim. Lastly the third outer layer is almost exclusively large furs offering warmth in wind and frigid temperatures.   Cuisine   Food is a mix of seal, orca and other animals supplemented by the bounty of the community garden. Most family gardens grow potatoes but some prefer beets, sweet potatoes, yams or even jicama. Soups and stews dominate the culinary mostly due to cooking situations. However on special occasions and festivals a type of wok grill is set up and the meal is started in the early morning and continues until the end of the day. Thinly sliced meat and vegetables are stir fried in various ways in very small portions continuously. After large hunts or fishing trips excess meat is dried on racks for use later in the season. Extra herbs are often dried for later use and fruits are occasionally use to make alcohol.   Pets and animals   Eagles, hawks, fox and occasionally some aquatic species are trained for hunting or foraging. Dogs are often used in sled teams for ground travel.   Religion   Theological points of view can and do differ from family to family but often revolve around the animal spirits. It has been known for the Inwut to practice other or even multiple religions.   Festivals   The Blanket Toss is the most common festival that is celebrated by the Inwut. It is a celebration before all fishing, hunting and whaling trips. It is common for the entire village to be rotated through one at a time.   Narratunerk is a festival or celebration after a successful hunt. It is a daylong single meal served nonstop.   Economy (exports, production items etc…)   The biggest export is whale oil. Scrimshaw ivory and artwork are traded while the import of flour, steel, seeds and exotic items are imported.   Military   Little to no military exists beyond war parties from a village sized population. Skills and equipment varies widely but leather armor and spear are the most common equipment.


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