Halfling Furfoot in Ferrum | World Anvil

Halfling Furfoot

Halfling (Furfoot)   Optimistic and cheerful by nature, blessed with uncanny luck, and driven by a powerful wanderlust, halflings make up for their short stature with an abundance of bravado and curiosity. At once excitable and easy-going, halflings like to keep an even temper and a steady eye on opportunity, and are not as prone to violent or emotional outbursts as some of the more volatile races. Even in the jaws of catastrophe, halflings almost never lose their sense of humor. Their ability to find humor in the absurd, no matter how dire the situation, often allows halflings to distance themselves ever so slightly from the dangers that surround them. This sense of detachment can also help shield them from terrors that might immobilize their allies. Halflings are inveterate opportunists. They firmly believe they can turn any situation to their advantage, and sometimes gleefully leap into trouble without any solid plan to extricate themselves if things go awry. Often unable to physically defend themselves from the rigors of the world, they know when to bend with the wind and when to hide away. Yet halflings’ curiosity often overwhelms their good sense, leading to poor decisions and narrow escapes. While harsh experience sometimes teaches halflings a measure of caution, it rarely makes them completely lose faith in their luck or stop believing that the universe, in some strange way, exists for their entertainment and would never really allow them to come to harm. Though their curiosity drives them to seek out new places and experiences, halflings possess a strong sense of hearth and home, often spending above their means to enhance the comforts of domestic life. Without a doubt, halflings enjoy luxury and comfort, but they have equally strong reasons to make their homes a showcase. Halflings consider this urge to devote time, money, and energy toward improving their dwellings a sign of both respect for strangers and affection for their loved ones. Whether for their own blood kin, cherished friends, or honored guests, halflings make their homes beautiful in order to express their feelings toward those they welcome inside. Even traveling halflings typically decorate their wagons or carry a few cherished keepsakes to adorn their campsites. Halflings rise to a humble height of 3 feet. They prefer to walk barefoot, leading the bottoms of their feet to become roughly calloused. Tufts of thick, curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned feet. Their skin tends toward a rich cinnamon color and their hair toward light shades of brown. A halfling’s ears are pointed, but proportionately not much larger than those of a human.   Language (Spoken and written)   Most halflings speak several languages they often speak the language of the folk they live with. However due to the rich nature of oral tradition Halflings maintain those stories in the native language.   Literature (Fiction, Non-fiction, educational, historical)   Halflings rely on customs and traditions to maintain their own culture. They have an extensive oral history filled with important stories about folk heroes who exemplify particular halfling virtues, but otherwise see little purpose in studying history in and of itself. Given a choice between a pointless truth and a useful fable, halflings almost always opt for the fable. This tendency helps to explain at least something of the famous halfling adaptability. Halflings look to the future and find it very easy to cast off the weight of ancient grudges or obligations that drag down so many other races.   Music   Again halflings often mimic the cultures around them but often sing and dance without any music to accompany it. This is more often than not happy and jovial but sometimes may have a sad or gray overtone. The can and do play instruments mostly whistles, simple horns, simple stringed instruments and small drums.   Arts (visual, paint, sculpt, carving etc…)   Some of the most famous art throughout the world is actually done at the hands of halflings under a human persona. There is no art form from painting, sculpting or jewelry they are not adept at. However they have become known for hand carving ivory and gold plating. Often the rich will hire them to decorate crockery and dished with gold plating and leaf work.   Architecture   The only true architecture halflings call their own are the semi underground homes they build. They often look like a large rabbits warren yet finely decorated and comfortable on the inside. Fine crafted and carved wood decorations fine brass fixtures and warm fireplaces with a hearth dominating a large family area dining room.   Gardens (Agriculture)   No matter the culture halflings live among they maintain a beautiful and bountiful garden. Always filled with a variety of vegetables, herbs and flowers they dominate the roof and entrance area of the warrens. Often a few rare herbs, flowers or fruit will be prized among a particular garden and maintained for generations.   Clothing (materials, fashion, colors)   Halflings prefer simple and modest clothing. Though willing and able to dress up if the situation demands it, their racial urge to remain quietly in the background makes them rather conservative dressers in most situations. Halfling entertainers, on the other hand, make their livings by drawing attention, and tend to go overboard with gaudy and flashy costumes.   Cuisine   If you want to eat like a halfling, here are the seven meals you need to eat in a day:   Breakfast - 7 a.m.   Second Breakfast - 9 a.m.   Elevenses - 11 a.m.   Luncheon - 1 p.m.   Afternoon Tea - 3 p.m.   Dinner - 6 p.m.   Supper - 9 p.m.   Breakfast   Start the day off right with a hearty breakfast designed to hold hungry hobbits over until the next meal. Serve a selection of filling carbs paired with meats, jams, and coffee or tea.   Mini quiche made with cheese, bacon, or vegetables   Honey nut cake and marmalade   Hobbit hash (potatoes, leeks, spinach, and cheese)   Ham omelet made with curry spices, onions, and tomatoes   Biscuits topped with sausage, eggs, and a smothering of gravy   Second Breakfast   Second breakfast is usually a bit lighter and less savory than its predecessor. Offer up sweet pastries, fruits, or toast with jams and jellies. It’s important, however, that your halfling food still includes plenty of meat.   Strawberry french toast with a side of sausage   Rice pudding paired with a side of bacon   Scones and clotted cream   Breakfast pie made with salmon, leeks, eggs, and cream   Bread topped with butter and honey served with a side of fruit and bacon   Elevenses   Elevenses is a mid-morning tea time snack designed to hold halflings over until lunchtime. These meal ideas are perfect for pairing with tea or coffee.   Elven lembas bread   Lavender and lemon muffins   Strawberry shortcake with cream   Caraway seed cake   Lemon tea cake   Luncheon   After a morning of lighter fare, luncheon should be filled with hearty, warm dishes designed to keep hobbits’ hunger at bay. Depending on your preference, it can be filled with meat, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, and other earthy flavors. No matter what you serve, be sure to finish off the meal with a slice of heavy, multigrain bread and a glass of wine or ale.   Potato and onion soup   Fish and chips   Shepherd’s pie   Roast mutton   Scotch eggs   Afternoon Tea   Given a hobbit’s love of social calls and gossip, it’s no surprise afternoon tea is a meal meant for socializing with one another. Pair the following sweet treats with tea, coffee, or mead.   Ring cookies   Berry pie   Mixed berry cobbler   Blackberry tarts   Apple pie and cream   Dinner   When served in the evening time, dinner is generally the largest meal of the day. Serve plenty of meats and vegetables to create a proper hobbit dinner. Pair these meal ideas with filling breads, cheese, and ale.   Cottage pie   Spiced beef and roasted vegetables   Savory porridge   Pepper-crusted steak served with potatoes   Cheddar soup   Supper   This final meal needs to hold hobbits over until the next morning. Similar to dinner, your supper should contain plenty of meats, bread, cheeses, and ale.   Pork pie   Mushroom soup   Salad served with fresh herbs and hardboiled eggs   Roasted chicken   Rabbit stew   Keep your hobbit menu simple and hearty, and offer guests plenty of opportunities to eat, talk, and socialize with one another in between meals.   Pets and animals   Pets and animals normally reflect the culture they live in. However they favor otters, small rodents, small dogs and just about any variety of cat including owlcats and other birds. Some also choose to maintain large breeds of dogs and various chimera of dogs as riding mounts.   Religion   Halflings are loyal to their friends and families, but since they dwell in a world dominated by races twice as large as themselves, they have come to grips with the fact that sometimes they need to scrape and scrounge for survival. Most halflings are neutral as a result. Though they usually make a show of respecting the laws and endorsing the prejudices of their communities, halflings place an even greater emphasis on the innate common sense of the individual. When a halfling disagrees with society at large, he will do what he thinks is best. Always practical, halflings frequently worship the deity most favored by their larger and more powerful neighbors. They also usually cover their bets, however. The goddess of both luck and travel seems a natural fit for most halflings and offering her a quick prayer every now and then is only common sense.   Festivals   Halflings have little to no individual holidays as any day is a good day to party or have a feast. However birthdays and wedding are especially favored.   Economy (exports, production items etc…)   With no cities or established settlement larger than a village they have no true economy yet fill very specialized rolls in the societies they live in. Mostly in artistic or hospitality fashion.   Military   Halflings mimic the cultures of those who they live among and will pepper the ranks of the existing military. They do however fill a strong role among those who acquire information and secrets.


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