Felkirk Settlement in Ferrum | World Anvil


Felkirk   Population: 3100+/- Human 95%, Halfling 3%, Other 2%   Government: Monarchy (King Darwin Hawk) Mayor Ian O’Connor   Religions: The Path of Nature, The Hexen   Imports: Finished goods   Exports: N/A   Alignments: CN   A Highlander Town located on the western side of the southern mountains at the river crossing. This Township is one of the thriving towns annexed when the Highlanders aligned with the Statesmen. A fortified position strategic and protecting the southern bridge over the Winding River keeping orc’s and worse out. A large military garrison was built here as a result of the treaty and the local citizens have been very grateful for its addition. The III Div. 2nd Reg. The Raging Bear calls this small city home and patrols the area. Many Highlanders became refugees when Kirkland, a nearby town was destroyed most moved on to other cities north but many made this town home. Small sheep ranches supply wool to the north but not in the volume of Woolshire. A popular green die for wool or finished green wool yarns come from this town as well. No true wall defends this small town but the new stone garrison building can house most of the populace for a short time during siege. A voquuine breeder has moved in here and breeds shaggy voquuine for colder climates. Plans for a wall are in the works but it is not decided if the stone should be local or imported granite.
Large town


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