Dramheim in Ferrum | World Anvil


Dramheim   (Medieval Russian/Hungarian inspired kingdom) This human kingdom to the North West sits in its own valley. Weapons are not allowed to be carried and all casters no matter the manner are to be registered. His majesty Gerhart Petko is in constant fear of assassins. With little to no reason for this he has enacted a complete and total ban on all weapons and register of any and all casters. Arcane and divine casters are looked upon with great suspicion and ridicule and are not liked at all. Magic items are also looked upon in a similar manner but are accepted for important jobs like healing, construction and military use. The only weapons that are ever seen are those possessed by the guard and military. The main city Petkopolis sits high upon the south side of the valley overlooking the northern bay. A large and well equipped navy defends this bay and the fishing fleet beyond. A ragtag military keeps monsters at bay mostly and Skekzard and Voc are the two other main cities both to the north one on each side of the bay. An almost obsessive conflict with Uralic exists fueled by Petko alone. The military truly has little to no desire to battle the neighbors to the west but some follow the king blindly. Little to no ground is gained on land but the seas in the north are dominated but Dramheim. The Army is located here and also the training of marines for the navy.   Characters and NPCs from this area have russian accents

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