Arabica Geographic Location in Ferrum | World Anvil


Arabica is an Egyptian style society that never truly recovered from the cataclysm. It is mostly desert arid landscape but has a few lush oases sporadically. It has a secondary island continent that remains a lush jungle style environment reminiscent of the Amazon or jungles of Brazil. Barbarian tribes of Zulu style warriors pepper the deserts, tundra and jungle forests.   Arabica is a land of high cliffs, rolling blood red sand dunes and turquoise rivers. Tall trees with red bark, no limbs and no leaves and white inner wood grow to enormous heights. Lush white leaf reeds and plants grow on the river banks and the odd oasis. Land sharks or bulettes live among the deserts with lizards, snakes, scorpions and other deadly creatures. Most cities are made up of shallow subterranean homes protecting its inhabitants from the intense heat. Underground rivers and lakes water fields of moss, mushrooms, dungeon wheat and other crops grown to feed the people. A small subterranean sheep like animal with very large eyes is raised in underground fields. Red, white, gold and black seem to dominate the clothing and decor. Small sand skiffs are made from the white wood with red sails to travel the blood sands. Nearly all large cities are on the coast but a few above ground cities dot the banks of the monstrously wide river that runs to the core of the continent. Pyramids and obelisks dominate the architecture of those cities above ground with gold colored granite. Even the steel has a red color to it due to the high content of sand that contains rubies. Crude powerplants generate electricity and light up the cities with a soft blue white light. Underground passages and deep caverns allow others to travel safely from the blistering suns heat. Various forms of “fiber optics”, chemical and solar power generation coupled with crude batteries with copper cores also generate light.   Characters and NPCs from here have an arabian accent


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