City of Fenixia Settlement in Fenixia | World Anvil

City of Fenixia

Fenixia is the heart of the Radiant Empire of the Blessed Phoenix. It is a circular city standing at the side of the flood plains for the Soimomble River.  


  An adobe wall circles Fenixia, with five gates. The main gate is the one facing the raised walkway to the River Beach. A few tens of paces outside each of the gates are groups of smaller residences for workers and menial staff.  


  The centre of the city is the Emperor's Palace. This is both a residential area and holds all the central administrative areas for the city. The residential side is currently empty as the last Emperor died without issue. The city, and Empire, are now run by the Parent Council.   Between the Palace and the rest of the city is a formal garden with stone walkways and palm trees. This used to be only for the use of the Emperor and their family, but now all Family members are able to take their rest there.  

Family segments

  The rest of the city is split into five Family Segments. They are each walled, with their main gate facing into the garden and palace at the centre. They are not equally sized, with the largest belonging to the Blazegrass family and the smallest to Tindersands.   The Family tower stands over the entry gate, judging all those who enter. At the centre is the Hall of Childhood, where all children from age five to thirteen stay to learn and develop. At thirteen then can leave and take up a low level role within the Family, or stay for another two years to take a higher place within the Family through the Phoenix Designation Ceremony.
Related Tradition (Primary)

Cover image: by Stock photo purchased from DepositPhotos


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