Behir Species in Felstadt | World Anvil


"I've already eaten three Giant Bats, six Troglodytes, and a Mind Flayer today, but that's okay. Plenty of room in my belly for you and your friends."
-Lludd the Behir
  The serpentine Behir crawls along floors and clambers up walls to reach its prey. Its lightning breath can incinerate many creatures, even as more powerful foes are constricted in its coils and eaten alive.  

Physical Description

A Behir's monstrous form resembles a combination of centipede and crocodile. Its scaled hide ranges from ultramarine to deep blue in color, fading to pale blue on its underside.  


Behirs lair in places inaccessible to other creatures, favoring locations where would-be intruders must make a harrowing climb to reach them. Deep pits, high caves in cliff walls, and caverns reached only by narrow, twisting tunnels are prime sites for a Behir ambush. A Behir's dozen legs allow it to scramble through its lair site with ease. When not climbing, it moves even faster by folding its legs beside its body and slithering like a snake.  


Behirs swallow their prey whole, after which they enter a period of dormancy while they digest. While dormant, a Behir chooses a hiding place where intruders in its lair might overlook it.