Daggershade Settlement in Fel’wind | World Anvil
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"Bit of a hole."
-Mae Greenbrook 
    Daggershade is a cardinal city for Order of the Earth.   Was a large industrial mining city. It is currently not where it ought to be but seems to have been transported or removed to another plane in an incident. In its place, a large miles wide crater is being closely guarded by forces of the Imperial Army and the Order of the Earth.

Industry & Trade

Visited by Missing Horses?
Sort of... Visited the crater that was Daggershade and the shantytown that was next to it.
Extra notes on Included Locations: Extra notes on Characters in location:
  • Mytheline and Adilard Smith were in Daggershade proper and thus went missing alone with the rest of the city. the other listed characters were outside of the city and met in the shantytown outside of the crater, except for General Rennick.
  • General Rennick is currently stationed at Daggershade, but may or may not actually reside there normally.


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