Spiremaw Peaks Geographic Location in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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Spiremaw Peaks

Hellish Home

The region of the Spiremaw Peaks is a treacherous land that breeds death. Igneous rock piles high amidst its active, mountainous peaks, which are constantly filling the valleys below with rivers of lava. It is said that the subterranean pools of magma have long since worn away, and that the volatile landscape is kept alive by the still boiling blood of the ancient dragon god Tiamat herself. The habitable zones lie among the high ranges of the rigid mountains, connected by bridges both natural and manmade. Atop these mountains the Dragonborn have constructed a number of citadels and castles to fend against the elements, some of which have been lost to time. For tens of millennia this area remained home to all dragons, bound by an ancient pact written out of desperation.  

Ash Filled Sky

On approaching the landscape, one can easily see the acrid, smoggy clouds that blacken the sky. This tumultuous, churning miasma has formed through endless volcanic activity, and is a constant reminder of the dangers of the land. Even the tamest of creatures inhabiting these peaks are vicious and vile, from rampaging elementals to the sprawling, massive purple worms. Lying in the heart of this storm, known as the Barren Veil, lies a flat plane home to the oldest of these monstrosities.
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species

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Cover image: by Artbreeder


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