Goblin Species in Fehr’gia | World Anvil
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Raised in the vile, inhospitable land of Elkus, goblins spit in the face of the cruelest place on Fehr’gia, choosing instead to happily giggle as they continue to survive anything the world throws at them. These creatures, which are often overlooked for many reasons, have a reputation for being pranksters, troublemakers, or chaos causers wherever they go. Their homeland has twisted their sense of humor in a way that frightens others not keen to their point of view. This humor compliments the goblins’ most notable trait: their ability to survive and adapt to the horrors of the land they were forced to face. Today, these grand survivors cause quite the hassle when they fight over garbage lids and used banana peels.  

Chaos Incarnate

Goblins vary wildly in size and shape, gaining and losing traits as quickly as the winds. Because goblins adapt and change so rapidly, they can take on a number of unique traits that separate from their families and larger tribes. These traits — which include skin color, size, jaw alterations, and much, much more — can sometimes help identify where in the world a particular goblin comes from. The most common type of goblins are the Furyfang. These goblins, who live anywhere ranging from the sewers of Silver Port to the beaches of Rollich, have wiry, green bodies and stand at about 3 feet tall. Their most defining features — which include their long, sharp ears, fanged jaws, and generally mischievous nature — can be found reflected in almost every subsect of the goblinoid species. Because of this, scholars suspect that Furyfang goblins may be the progenitors of the goblin species.


Goblins, as beings fully of chaotic energy, can often be found causing havoc in one way or another. Often found rambling or screaming at the heavens, these creatures rely heavily on the communities they build to continue surviving. Just as Elkus has forced these creatures to work together, so too, has its horrific wildlands created a strange set of cultural norms within the goblin community. For example, goblins tend to unrelentingly prank one another in ways that may seem extreme to outsiders. However, these pranks — which include such far flung ideas as literal hunting traps, poisoning meals, or even playing with firearms — actually serve a biological purpose: helping the goblins continue to push the limits of what their adaptability can handle. Just as a turtle has evolved to protect its life with a hard outer shell, so too have the goblins gained the ability to overcome all challenges, surviving Elkus, hatred, and even their own stupidity. This stupidity, which is part of the source of their pranks, also has another side effect: a deep sense of mob mentality. Goblins are incredibly easy to rile up, rousing up into miniature clans to battle, raid, or plainly destroy. To prevent this, nature has gifted the goblins one last evolutionary boon: the hobgoblin. Whenever the forces of chaos grow too crazy for a goblin clan, a hobgoblin is inexplicably born, quickly taking charge of the clan and keeping order where else there would be none.


Goblins are naturally social creatures, and although many don’t seek contact outside of their own communities, some have grown confident enough to try to reach out to the world that seems to hate them. For example, the Cliffjump and Cogwheel clans have grown alongside the dwarves and inner mountain cities, and as such, they have adapted the ability to mine and even trade. Even with these professional adaptations, however, these goblins have not forgotten their mischievous roots: unwatched cogwheel goblins will often form secret syndicates faster than you can say, “Where did my cabbage cart go?” Similarly, Cliffjump goblins find it incredibly hysterical tol shove each other off of great heights, knowing that they are well built to survive the fall.


Similar to the Cliffjump and Cogwheel clans, other goblin clans have evolved in different ways to reflect their harsh and dangerous living conditions. For example, goblins of the Shadowstalk and Sunwalk clans have adapted to the Underdark and intense deserts respectively. Shadowstalk goblins have learned to blend in with their natural environments to avoid the predators of the Underdark. Sunwalk goblins have adapted a much slower metabolism to survive with the scarce food resources in the desert. As such, these goblins embody the most valued principle of the species: survival. Any goblin, anywhere, will instinctively do whatever it needs to survive. Whether it be fight, flee, or grovel, goblins are experts at understanding what needs to be done to survive by any means necessary. All of their teachings and ramblings — however untenable or disconnected from reality the words may be — eventually cycle around to this key factor.


The final major clan of goblins can be found in the Denizen goblins, goblins who have evolved separately on a remote island in the Reaches. They have developed without society, danger, or need for reason. Because of this, their curious and untamed nature has become truly unleashed, allowing them to tap into the unbridled force of joyful chaos that lives within each goblin. As such, any Denizen goblin is quite brilliant at destroying whatever it touches: whether it be a door handle or complex gnomish engine, these goblins know how to tap into their endless source of entropy.


Despite the obvious differences between the different goblin clans — whether it be the Denizen’s long tails or the Cliffjumpers padded and stony form — all goblins are very similar deep down. No matter how much they may change, they will always be nature’s comedic, little delinquents.


Goblin Names

The goblin language is fond of certain sounds, and as such, goblin names tend to repeat those particular sounds to form names. These names, which can sound similar to gibberish to nonspeakers, vary wildly between tribes and clans, changing based on what sounds a certain group favors.

Goblin Names: Azzinax, Babolax, Blixanix, Crixizix, Dazzaz, Estrix, Finizix, Juzba, Kaluzax, Lyzaxa, Mizzix, Myznar, Nixispix, Paxizaz, Ravixiz, Stixil, Sunnix, Tozinox, Uxivozi, Vazozav, Wexiny, Zizzix

ability score increase: Your ability score increases are determined by your subrace.
age: Goblins reach adulthood at age 8 and live up to 60 years.
Size: Small
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.
race features:

Subrace. You choose one of the following subraces.


Furyfang Goblin

The most common and widespread of goblinkind, small rambunctious pranksters. Easy to anger, slow to trust. Often green, with long wide ears, they roam the countryside looking for their next meal or next hunt.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2, and your Constitution increases by 1.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature's size is larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Nimble Escape. You can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of your turns.


Sunwalk Goblins

Thin, red tinted goblins that are easily identifiable by rough, almost rock-like growths on their backs or around their heads. These goblins are the most physically built to survive. They had adapted to the lack of food in the deserts and wastes they inhabit. Unlike normal goblins, their culture takes a large precedent in their normal lives. They deeply venerate those that provide or own food, and respect them.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2, and your Dexterity increases by 1
Life Without. Life in the desert is harsh and food is scarce. As such, you have adjusted to living without it and savoring it when you have it. You require less food day by day. Any costs for procuring food for yourself are halved. Additionally, you have proficiency in Chef’s tools.
Survival Instincts. As you draw closer and closer to the edge of your life, your instincts begin to carry you. For each level of exhaustion you have, you gain a bonus to Survival(Wisdom) and Perception(Wisdom) checks equal to your levels of Exhaustion, in addition to any other proficiency bonuses you may have.
Rough Type. You’re used to traveling through blazing hot days and frigid nights. You have proficiency in the Survival skill. Additionally, your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.


Cliffjump Goblins

Among the largest of the goblin varieties, they are broader and brawnier, necessary for their lives of climbing and vaulting up sheer, freezing cliffs. Some have developed large beards, and tougher skin. Some dwarves tell stories and jokes with punchlines of goblins falling from “the sky”, playing on the mountaineering goblinkind that often fall or tumble down from their homes.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2, and your Constiution increases by 1
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Rock Climber. You’ve acclimated to your high up lifestyle. As a result, climbing has become second nature. You gain a 20ft Climbing speed and you have advantage on athletics or acrobatics checks. Additionally, you also count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
Life up High. You are resistant to Cold Damage. You are also acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet.
Padded Fall. When you fall far enough in order to take fall damage. You may choose to attempt to tuck and roll to reduce or negate damage. You may roll up to half your hit dice and reduce the damage taken by the amount rolled on the die. Landing on a creature does not damage them.


Cogwheel Goblins

The most sophisticated of all goblinkind, keen and accustomed to city streets. They are the least despised of all the chaotic creatures, many often run gangs or businesses. City goblins are taller, nearly 5 feet tall, with finer tastes for culture and clothing. Often living among the gnomes and dwarves, they were allowed to flourish and truly embrace their curiosity, turning them into skills.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence increases by 2, and your Charisma increases by 1.
Talented. Choose 2 skills or tools to become proficient in.
Civilized Discussion. You’ve abandoned the shaky speech of your uncivilized relatives. You learn an extra language. Additionally, you have advantage on Charisma checks when speaking with members of civilized society.
Street Savvy. You have advantage on any Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) to locate specific areas or locations in cities or towns. Additionally, you cannot become lost while in a city or a town due to your natural ability to memorize where you’ve been and where you’re going.  

Shadowstalk Goblins

Goblins are usually towards the bottom of the food chain in terms of their chosen environment, but nowhere is this more clear than the goblins who take refuge in the underdark. They have adapted darker and grey tones with pale eyes, and a powerful feeling of self preservation. They are often quieter and have a calmer demeanor. They are accustomed to the most brutal of monsters hunting them regularly, and have developed engrained mental defense mechanisms necessary to survive.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2, and your Constitution increases by 1
Superior Darkvision. Accustomed to the depths of the Underdark, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Life in the Deep Dark. The Underdark is dangerous and frightening. You’ve become accustomed to it. You have advantage on saves against the frightened condition.. Additionally, you have advantage on stealth checks made to hide from creatures that rely on darkvision.
Fight For Your Life. When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points you do not fall unconscious, instead you are knocked prone. On your turn, you may forgo rolling a death saving throw to instead expend half of your hit dice. Upon doing so you immediately rise to your feet with one hit point.  

Denizen Goblins

Small chaotic creatures from a small rural island of The Reaches. Their unique features include being covered in fur, a prehensile tail they use to climb and handle small objects, and sharper teeth. Very akin to goblinkind, their exact origins are not explicitly written down or told through oral stories. They are possessed by natural curiosities and mischievous nature, taking apart modern inventions haphazardly for the thrill of it. Their chaotic and deviant nature have made them ample and perfect companions of pirate crews, forming close bonds with Sharkfolk captains that keep them safe.

  Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity increases by 2, and your Intelligence increases by 1
First Mate. You’ve adapted to life on the sea, you may choose proficiency with either Perception or Acrobatics
Catastrophic Curiosity. You have proficiency with Artisans Tools(Alchemist’s Tools). Using those tools you can spend one hour and 10gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny Explosive. This explosive does 1d6 fire damage in a 10 foot radius, additionally any damage done to non-magical structures is doubled.
Crow’s Nest Climber. You have a prehensile tail, which you can use to grasp things. It gives you a 10 foot climbing speed, and can support your weight to hang from objects if you are not overencumbered. Your Tail can't wield weapons or shields or do anything that requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic items or performing the somatic components of a spell.
Reverse-Engineering. When you make an intelligence check to take apart any complex machinery(Guns, Traps, or factory equipment) or mundane objects (Doors, chairs, tables,etc), you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply. On a success, you are left with nought but useless scraps.

60 years
Average Height

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