Magan Character in Favont | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hannan Magan Marisa's general physical condition is marked by a mixture of resilience and lingering effects from his traumatic experiences. Despite scarring and physical marks from beatings and whippings, he maintains a remarkable level of fitness and agility, using meditation and yoga to alleviate his muscle tension. However, he experiences sleep disturbances and fatigue due to nightmares and other symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Body Features

Hannan Marisa's body bears the marks of his life under the control of Stobal and Laniesti. He has scars on his back and tattoos on his arms, neck and chest, symbolising elements of his life that are important to him, such as his family and home, as well as his imposed ownership. Accustomed to a poor diet, a life of hard labour, and sleeping on a hard floor, his resilience has adapted to endure discomfort. He was conditioned to believe he does not have ownership over his body.

Facial Features

Hannan Marisa has a narrow and pinched facial structure, which adds a sense of intensity to his appearance. His bright blue eyes, located beneath a heavy, dark brow, contribute to a piercing gaze that reflects his sharp intellect and resilience. With translucent pale skin and slightly pointy ears, he carries an otherworldly quality and hints at his Ananan heritage. Hannan often wears a sneer, reflecting on his experiences and the challenges he has faced. Additionally, his undercut hairstyle aligns with his Ananan cultural background, while his eyebrow piercing and multiple ear piercings serve as subtle expressions of personal style and self-expression.

Identifying Characteristics

Hannan Marisa's unique appearance is defined by his striking features of intense, bright blue eyes. The slightly pointed ears are characteristic of his Ananan heritage. Hannan's body bears the marks of his past, with prominent scars on his back as reminders of the physical abuse he endured, while his full sleeves of tattoos on both arms, featuring a dragon on his left and a wolf on his right, symbolise personal expressions.

Physical quirks

Hannan Marisa possesses several physical quirks that make him distinctive. Firstly, he has a slight twitch in his left eye, a subtle involuntary movement that occurs sporadically. Secondly, he has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when deep in thought or feeling anxious, creating a distinct pattern of sounds. Lastly, his gait exhibits a slight limp, a remnant of an old injury sustained during captivity that affects his stride.

Special abilities

Hannan possesses the magical abilities known as ignatan, a form of Ananan magic that allows him to manipulate extreme temperatures. With this power, he can control, create, and transform into fire or ice, showcasing his mastery over this visually striking and potentially lethal magic. Additionally, Hannan possesses the rare ability of inter'tentian, which enables him to create pressure bubbles externally and internally, exerting powerful forces on objects and individuals without direct physical contact.

However, Ananan magic has limitations, requiring the caster to be healthy and focused. Hannan and other Ananans diligently practice meditation and yoga daily to ensure control over their abilities, honing their concentration and mastering their powers.

Apparel & Accessories

While serving Stobal, Hannan's attire reflected his mistreatment and neglect, consisting of worn-out, ill-fitting, and mismatched garments made from coarse fabrics. In contrast, as a companion to Princess Listelle, his contemporary livery combines style and symbolism. He wears a tailored shirt in muted colours with subtle embroidery of the household emblem—a unicorn framed by two feathers. His slim-fitting trousers and polished leather shoes exude a refined appearance. Hannan also cherishes his wedding ring, a sea glass carving, worn around his neck at all times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history



Hannan 'Magan' Marisa's early childhood was privileged, growing up in Ibaleban with his renowned Ananan parents, Han Marisa and Hestia Herada. His fascination with Nightwalkers and espionage fueled his desire to become a spy. Hannan shared a close bond with his twin sister, Hanna, and their exploration of their elemental abilities deepened their connection. However, tragedy struck when a Magi boy murdered Hanna. This event shattered Hannan, fueling his pursuit of justice and a determination to protect others. Hannan's aspirations took on a more serious tone as he sought to make a positive impact on the world, driven by the memory of his sister.


Teenage years

After the tragic loss of his sister, Hannan 'Magan' Marisa's life took a tumultuous turn. His parents separated, and he found solace and support in the Duchess of Steffen, Aeryn De Steffen. Aeryn became Hannan's loving and nurturing maternal figure, confiding in him and fostering a deep bond. Hannan grew up with his best friend, Meridian, in Aeryn's esteemed Nightwalker household. While Aeryn respected Meridian, she classified him as a servant. Hannan held a prominent status as Aeryn's son, known in Nightwalker circles and immersed in their culture during visits to Ibaleban. Hannan received education on espionage skills, including history, diplomacy, and self-defence. He briefly dated Mala Vasparada, but they broke up when she discovered his affiliation with the SOD. Throughout his teenage years, Hannan faced challenges and navigated his identity while relying on his friendship with Meridian. These experiences shaped his character, resilience, and commitment to justice as he approached adulthood.

University Years

Between the ages of 18 and 22, Hannan 'Magan' Marisa's life underwent significant transformations. He defied societal norms by moving to Esprite to study history despite Ananans being forbidden from higher education. Living with his adoptive mother, Aeryn De Steffen, Hannan continued his involvement with the SOD, completing covert assignments while pursuing his studies.

During summer breaks, he formed a romantic relationship with Nina Neseryada, a friend of Mala Vasparada, who studied fashion design. After university, Hannan underwent basic and officer training in the military before returning to the SOD as a Lieutenant, working as an analyst. Throughout this period, he maintained a close bond with his companion, Meridian, who was now part of the elite Nightfall Commandos. Hannan referred to Meridian as his "gladiator" and relied on him for protection.

In 935, when Hannan was 22, Queen Adelaide's visit to Steffen and Ibaleban took a tragic turn when she was stabbed by an Ananan assassin claiming ties to a terrorist group. Hannan and Meridian felt responsible for their failure to prevent the attack, which led to a war between Favont and Enwa.

These years marked Hannan's personal growth, academic pursuits, military training, and friendship with Meridian. The events surrounding Queen Adelaide's assassination attempt left a lasting impact on Hannan, influencing his commitment to justice and protection.

The Favont Enwa War

Between the ages of 22 and 28, Hannan 'Magan' Marisa dedicated himself to defending his country from Enwa's aggression through his work in the Strategic Operation Directorate (SOD). As a skilled operative, Hannan undertook crucial missions involving intelligence gathering and infiltrating organisations within Favont and abroad. His expertise in self-defence and assassination made him a formidable asset, employing his mastery of magic, weaponry, and hand-to-hand combat to eliminate threats effectively. Hannan's loyalty and effectiveness as a soldier were widely recognised.

Meridian remained an integral part of Hannan's team throughout this period, frequently accompanying him on operations. The war between Favont and Enwa was protracted and arduous, resulting in a cold stalemate as both nations exhausted their financial resources. In response, Favont adopted an isolationist foreign policy and exerted aggressive control over the media to shape public perception.

After the war's conclusion, Hannan returned to Ibaleban, his homeland, seeking to resume his life as Lord Hannan Marisa, the son of Aeryn De Steffen. Additionally, he planned to marry his fiancée, Nina Neseryada, with whom he had built a relationship during his university years.

The Reconstruction and Stobal Hutz

Between the ages of 28 and 35, Hannan 'Magan' Marisa endured captivity and suffering under Stobal Hutz. Kidnapped along with his fiancée, Nina Neseryada, after the Reconstruction in Favont, Hannan experienced physical and emotional abuse in Stobal's home in Paget. Referred to as Magan, he adopted a submissive persona for survival. Despite mistreatment, Hannan protected Nina and endured punishment on her behalf.

Stobal manipulated Hannan, convincing him that his adoptive mother, Aeryn De Steffen, deliberately allowed his capture due to the unfavourable perception of having an Ananan son. This reinforced Hannan's sense of isolation and loneliness. Hannan and Nina had two children, Magita and Lucian, while Hannan developed a complex relationship with Stobal's son, Aidan, who, through their mother, Hestia Herada, was his half-brother.

During this time, Hannan underwent rigorous training, striving to excel as a slave. He accepted his fate and relinquished hope of freedom. With his mother believing him dead and Ibaleban destroyed, Hannan recognized the impossibility of returning to his former life. These years were marked by oppression, abuse, and Hannan's relentless struggle to survive within Stobal's household.

Sold, and life in training facility

Stobal Hutz, his captor, chose to sell him while the family was in Esprite to see Aidan off to university without any apparent reason or explanation. Magan, deeply committed to his duties and responsibilities, perceived this act as a personal failure and a complete betrayal.

He was separated from his loved ones without any opportunity to seek answers or bid them farewell. Magan was taken to a training facility where he was forced to work in the office of Magnus Grant, the facility's overseer, who continued the cycle of abuse that Magan had endured under Stobal. Employing his learned survival techniques, Magan assumed a submissive and compliant demeanour to navigate his oppressive circumstances. While there, he repeatedly experienced loss as others were sold before him. He made a companion in another slave called Bob. Bob sought to protect Magan and ensure he had food, but eventually, the rigours of this life got to him, and he committed suicide.

Frightened, depressed, and very much alone, a glimmer of hope emerged for Magan. Silver Rycard, the Duke of Asbeet, purchased him as a Winter Solstice present for his girlfriend, Princess Listelle. This unexpected turn of events sparked a newfound sense of optimism within Magan. Despite his past traumas, he began to glimpse the possibility of a better future.

In the service of Listelle

In the first six months following Magan's entry into Listelle's service, there existed initial hesitations on her part due to her previous encounters with individuals of Ananan descent. Listelle harboured reservations regarding Magan's background and upbringing, leading to uncertainties surrounding his acceptance. However, Magan embarked on a quest to demonstrate his loyalty and trustworthiness through notable behaviours and qualities.

Diligence and dedication became the cornerstone of Magan's approach, as he committed wholeheartedly to his assigned duties. His unwavering focus and attentiveness to Listelle's needs allowed him to anticipate her requirements, often before they were explicitly expressed. This conscientiousness and reliability played a pivotal role in earning Listelle's trust and confidence in his abilities.

Magan's protective instincts proved to be another defining aspect of his character. He displayed an unwavering commitment to ensuring Listelle's safety, consistently vigilant and ready to act as her guardian and companion. His willingness to go above and beyond his responsibilities exemplified his devotion to her well-being.

Furthermore, Magan exhibited exceptional discretion and loyalty, recognising the importance of maintaining confidentiality. He never betrayed Listelle's trust by divulging sensitive information or discussing private matters with unauthorised individuals. This unwavering loyalty and commitment formed the foundation of their relationship, fostering an environment of trust and dependability.

Magan demonstrated empathy and understanding as key traits as he navigated the complexities of Listelle's emotional state. He offered comfort and solace during distress through active listening and compassionate support. This emotional connection deepened their bond, further solidifying their growing trust.

Adaptability and resourcefulness characterised Magan's ability to navigate unexpected situations and challenges in their shared journey effectively. His quick thinking and problem-solving skills demonstrated his competence and reliability in handling unforeseen circumstances, enhancing his value as a loyal and trusted companion.

Consistently aware of the disparities in their societal positions, Magan maintained high professionalism and respect. He consistently adhered to appropriate boundaries while displaying kindness and compassion in his interactions with Listelle.

Upon their fortuitous reunion, Magan's encounter with his long-lost mother, Aeryn DeSteffen, evoked complex and conflicting emotions. The years of emotional manipulation, psychological conditioning, and fear instilled in him by his previous captors, Stobal and Laniesti Hutz, resulted in a tumultuous internal struggle. Upon seeing Aeryn, Magan ultimately chose to remain in Listelle's service despite harbouring a mixture of longing, fear, and uncertainty. The effects of his previous captivity, coupled with his burgeoning loyalty and commitment to Listelle, overshadowed his desire for escape. This decision showcased his resilience and unwavering dedication.

Over time, Magan's steadfast loyalty, trustworthiness, and unwavering dedication to Listelle became increasingly apparent. Through his actions and the display of admirable qualities, he gradually earned Listelle's trust, forging a profound and unbreakable bond. Their relationship transcended societal expectations, ultimately evolving into a romantic connection, as Listelle recognised Magan's undeniable worthiness and embraced their deep connection on a profound level.


  • Language and Literature: Proficiency in written and spoken Anana, the national language of The Stiriphese, was emphasized. Literature studies focused on classical Ananan texts, fostering an appreciation for Ananan storytelling traditions.
  • Foreign Languages: Perenx is the secondary language of The Stiriphese. All Ananans can communicate in both languages. Respect for Perenx language and literature was nurtured. Niphanese, Marwornese, and Enwan were also offered. Hannan studied all of these to some degree.
  • Mathematics and Sciences: Rigorous training in mathematics and sciences included subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, and biology. Hannan developed logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • History and Social Sciences: Studies delved into the history and societal structures of The Stiriphese, including its political systems, cultural heritage, and traditions. Social sciences explored sociology, psychology, and anthropology, enabling a deeper understanding of human behaviour.
  • Visual Arts: Hannan's passion for film and photography found an outlet in visual arts classes. He learned various techniques, composition, and image manipulation, honing his artistic expression.
  • Performing Arts: Hannan had the opportunity to explore theatre, music, and dance. These subjects encouraged creativity, self-expression, and collaboration within the vibrant Ananan artistic traditions.
  • Cultural Studies: Ananan culture, customs, and traditions were explored, including music, folklore, and traditional practices. Students were encouraged to appreciate and preserve their heritage.
  • Ethics: As part of their education, Ananans learned the importance of ethical decision-making and moral responsibility. They explored ethical frameworks and engaged in discussions on topics such as social justice, fairness, and compassion.
  • Meditation and Yoga: Ananans were taught the principles of meditation and yoga to cultivate mindfulness, focus, and control over their innate abilities. These practices promoted mental well-being and enhanced their self-awareness.
  • Non'ima'ta Religion: Hannan's education included the study of Non'ima'ta, the spiritual understanding of the world based on the three fates: Nona, Decima, and Morta. He learned about their significance in Ananan culture, rituals, and beliefs. Discussions on spirituality and personal growth were encouraged.
  • Physical Education: Hannan participated in comprehensive programs to develop strength, agility, and fitness. Activities included sports, hand-to-hand combat training, and exercises to enhance endurance.
  • Extra-Curricular Activities: Hannan's love for film and theatre was nurtured through participation in extra-curricular clubs and workshops. He had opportunities to explore his creative talents through acting, directing, and filmmaking.


  1. Early Career
    • Upon completing his education, Hannan sought to apply his knowledge and passion for film and photography. He secured positions as an assistant photographer and videographer, working with established professionals to learn the industry's intricacies.
    • Simultaneously, Hannan pursued opportunities in theatre, both on and off the stage. He took on acting roles, honing his performance skills while exploring behind-the-scenes work in production and stage management.
  2. Entry into Intelligence
    • Driven by his aspiration to become a spy and utilise his skills for the greater good, Hannan transitioned into intelligence. He joined a government agency specialising in covert operations and intelligence gathering.
    • Hannan's training in hand-to-hand combat and physical fitness played a significant role in his initial assignments, where he applied his surveillance, reconnaissance, and self-defence skills.
  3. Field Operations
    • As Hannan gained experience and proved his capabilities, he became involved in field operations. His roles involved gathering sensitive information, conducting covert investigations, and working in teams to neutralise threats.
    • Hannan's proficiency in observation, quick thinking, and adaptability made him an asset in high-pressure situations. He demonstrated resourcefulness and an ability to navigate complex scenarios while maintaining discretion and protecting sensitive information.
  4. Specialisation and Advancement
    • Over time, Hannan began specialising in counterintelligence and espionage. He received advanced training in undercover work, cryptography, and intelligence analysis techniques.
    • His dedication and aptitude for strategic thinking earned him promotions and increased responsibilities within the intelligence agency. Hannan's commitment to excellence and ability to establish trust made him a valued organisation member.
  5. Leadership and Mentorship
    • With experience and seniority, Hannan took on leadership roles, supervising and mentoring junior agents. He shared his knowledge, skills, and insights, guiding others in their professional development in intelligence.
    • Hannan's leadership style was characterised by empathy, decisiveness, and a focus on fostering a cohesive and efficient team environment.
  6. Service to Stobal Hutz
    • As a valet, Hannan's duties involved attending to Stobal's needs. He would ensure that Stobal's clothes were well-maintained and ready for the day, assisting with dressing and grooming.
    • Hannan also served as Stobal's driver, accompanying him to various meetings and appointments and providing transportation and logistical support.
    • Additionally, he played a confidential role as Stobal's confidante, being privy to private conversations and discussions, allowing him to gain insights into Stobal's affairs and plans.
  7. Service to Laniesti Hutz
    • Hannan's responsibilities towards Laniesti primarily involved personal care. He would attend to her grooming needs, styling her hair and applying makeup to enhance her appearance.
    • He also accompanied Laniesti on shopping trips, carrying her bags and assisting her with any tasks or requests she had.
    • For both Stobal and Laniesti, Hannan's role as a servant allowed them to exert dominance and control, reinforcing their power dynamics within the household.
  8. Service to Listelle
    • As a companion to Listelle, Hannan's only household task was to serve her breakfast in the morning. However, as their trust grew, Listelle gradually allowed him to have a more significant presence in her life.
    • Hannan was entrusted with assisting Listelle in dressing, ensuring her attire was well-prepared and assisting her with any wardrobe needs.
    • His primary duty was to engage Listelle in meaningful conversations, entertaining and challenging her intellectually. He would actively listen to her concerns, provide advice when needed, and act as a steadfast presence by remaining by her side.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Resilient Problem-Solver: Hannan demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills, analysing complex situations and devising creative solutions, particularly solving puzzles and riddles.
  • Elemental Mastery: Hannan honed his abilities to control fire and ice elements to a remarkable degree, displaying precise control and performing awe-inspiring feats.
  • Academic Excellence and Defiance: Despite personal tragedy, Hannan maintained outstanding academic performance, achieving top grades and pursuing higher education in history, challenging societal norms.
  • Leadership and Collaboration: Hannan exhibited strong leadership skills during group activities, articulating ideas, delegating tasks, and motivating peers for successful outcomes in collaborative projects.
  • Dedication to Justice: Driven by the memory of his sister's murder, Hannan actively participated in charitable initiatives and youth organisations, and volunteered in community outreach programs, advocating for social justice.
  • Multilingual Proficiency: Hannan developed a remarkable proficiency in various languages, excelling in Anana and Perenx while having a solid foundation in Niphanese, Marwornese, and Enwan.
  • Accomplished Filmmaker and Actor: Hannan's passion for film and photography flourished, directing and producing short films and receiving critical acclaim for his unique storytelling approach. He also showcased his acting skills in notable theatrical performances.
  • Diplomatic Negotiator: Hannan's exposure to diplomacy and negotiation in espionage training fostered his ability to navigate complex situations, resolve conflicts, and find common ground.
  • Strategic Military Contributions: After completing university, Hannan underwent advanced military training, excelling in combat, tactics, and military intelligence. He completed covert missions and demonstrated leadership in the Strategic Operation Directorate.
  • Counterintelligence and Espionage Specialist: Hannan specialised in counterintelligence and espionage, receiving advanced training in undercover work, cryptography, and intelligence analysis techniques.
  • Recognitions and Decorations: Hannan's outstanding contributions to military intelligence earned him prestigious awards and decorations, recognising his strategic thinking, reconnaissance skills, and analytical abilities.
  • Survival and Protection: Hannan's primary accomplishment during his captivity was his ability to survive and protect his fiancée, Nina, from physical and emotional harm, demonstrating loyalty and determination despite adverse circumstances.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Impulsive Decision-Making: Hannan, driven by his confidence in his judgment, occasionally made impulsive decisions without fully considering all the necessary factors. When he opted to be the leader of both the film club and the debate team, he did not realize the time commitment required, leading to a sense of being overwhelmed and embarrassed when he struggled to keep up with his other responsibilities.
  • Overlooking Details: Due to his big-picture thinking, Hannan occasionally overlooked important details in his assignments. Once, he submitted a well-written essay but forgot to properly format it and check for grammatical errors, resulting in lower grades and feeling embarrassed about his oversight.
  • Difficulties in Group Projects: Hannan's assertiveness and preference for his ideas clashed with the opinions of his peers during group projects. He often insisted on his approach without fully considering alternative perspectives, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and strained relationships within the group.
  • Struggles with Emotional Expression: Hannan often found it challenging to express his emotions and connect with others on an emotional level. Once, he struggled to comfort a Meridian during a difficult time, inadvertently appearing distant and lacking empathy. He regretted his inability to do more for his friend.
  • Impatience with Inefficiency: Hannan's high standards and desire for efficiency often caused him to become impatient with individuals who didn't meet his expectations. He grew frustrated when working on a group project with teammates who didn't contribute their fair share or failed to meet deadlines, leading to conflicts and strained relationships within the team.
  • Difficulty with Authority: Hannan's inclination to question authority sometimes led him to challenge decisions or rules that he perceived as illogical or unjust. Once, he openly questioned a teacher's grading system and challenged the school policy, resulting in disciplinary actions for which he felt ashamed.
  • Struggling with Social Adaptation: Hannan often found it challenging to engage in small talk or socialize with his peers at university. He regularly appeared reserved and introspective, often preferring to spend time alone or discussing intellectual topics rather than participating in casual conversations or social events.
  • Academic Pressure: Being ambitious and highly driven, Hannan set exceedingly high expectations for himself academically. If he received grades lower than his expectations or faced academic setbacks, he was disappointed in himself and felt embarrassed about not meeting his standards.
  • Difficulty Balancing Relationships: Hannan's commitment to his studies and involvement with the SOD made it challenging to allocate sufficient time and attention to his relationships. He occasionally missed important events or failed to spend quality time with Nina due to his demanding schedule. This sometimes strained their relationship and made him feel guilty for not being fully present.
  • Perfectionist Tendencies: Hannan's perfectionist tendencies caused him to set unrealistically high standards for himself, leading to self-criticism and a fear of failure. If he felt that his work or performance fell short of his expectations, he was overly self-critical and felt embarrassed about any perceived shortcomings, even if they were minor in the eyes of others.
  • Failure to Protect Loved Ones: Despite his best efforts, Hannan felt a deep sense of failure for not being able to prevent the capture of his fiancée, Nina, and their children, Magita and Lucian. He blamed himself for not finding a way to keep them safe and constantly carried the burden of guilt for their suffering.
  • Emotional Manipulation: Stobal would manipulate Hannan's emotions by reminding him that his adoptive mother, Aeryn De Steffen, intentionally allowed his capture due to his Ananan heritage. Hannan felt emotionally vulnerable, embarrassed, and betrayed, believing he was abandoned by someone he loved and trusted.
  • Submissive Persona: To survive the abuse and protect Nina, Hannan adopted a submissive persona named Magan. He suppressed his independent and strong-willed nature, appearing compliant and subservient to Stobal's demands. This behaviour served as a survival strategy, though internally, it was a constant struggle for Hannan to suppress his true self.
  • Loss of Identity: Hannan experienced a significant loss of personal identity and autonomy as he was forced to abandon his former name and assume the persona of Magan. This loss of identity was a source of embarrassment and shame, as he felt disconnected from his true self and struggled to maintain a sense of self-worth.
  • Helplessness and Dependence: Hannan's captivity made him feel helpless and dependent on his captors. He endured physical and emotional abuse with limited control over his life. This sense of helplessness and dependence was embarrassing for him, as he was accustomed to being self-reliant and controlling his destiny.
  • Inability to Escape: Hannan's attempts to escape from Stobal's control repeatedly failed, leaving him frustrated and embarrassed. Despite his resilience and determination, he could not break free from his captors and secure freedom for himself and his loved ones.
  • Loss of Companions: The suicide of his companion, Bob, in the training facility, was devastating for Hannan. He felt responsible and ashamed that he could not protect and save his friend. This loss intensified his feelings of failure and increased his determination to find a way to change his circumstances.
  • Dehumanization and Loss of Dignity: Hannan's role as a servant and valet to Stobal and Laniesti subjected him to dehumanizing treatment and a loss of personal dignity. He was humiliated by the power dynamics and the constant reminders of his subservient status. This dehumanization was a constant source of embarrassment and emotional distress for Hannan.

Mental Trauma

  • Captivity and Abuse: Hannan's prolonged captivity under Stobal Hutz subjected him to physical and emotional abuse. The constant mistreatment and oppressive environment he endured took a toll on his mental well-being. The physical abuse left him with scars and injuries, constantly reminding him of the pain he endured. The emotional abuse, characterised by manipulation, humiliation, and control, wounded Hannan's sense of self-worth and trust in others. These experiences left him with a lingering sense of fear, hypervigilance, and a deep-seated trauma that impacted his interactions and decisions.
  • Family Separation and Loss: The murder of Hannan's sister, Hanna, not only resulted in his grief but also profoundly impacted his family dynamics. The tragedy caused a rift between Hannan's parents, separating them. The loss of their beloved daughter became an insurmountable burden that strained their relationship, ultimately leading to their separation. The dissolution of his parent's marriage added another layer of emotional turmoil to Hannan's already tumultuous life, intensifying his feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and confusion.
  • Mother's Illness and Relinquishment: As Hannan's mother, devastated by grief and burdened by her declining health, became unable to care for him, she made the heart-wrenching decision to give him up. Hannan experienced a profound loss and betrayal as he was separated from his mother, the one remaining familial connection he had left. This separation further deepened his feelings of abandonment, creating a longing for maternal love and care that persisted throughout his life.
  • Manipulation and Isolation: Stobal Hutz exploited Hannan's vulnerability, manipulating him into believing that his adoptive mother, Aeryn De Steffen, had intentionally allowed his capture. This manipulation intensified his feelings of isolation and reinforced a sense of mistrust towards others. Hannan felt alienated, disconnected from his former life, and burdened with a deep-seated belief that he was fundamentally alone. These experiences instilled in him a guarded nature, making it difficult to open up and rely on others for support.
  • Constant Threat and Fear: The environment of captivity subjected Hannan to a constant state of threat and fear. The unpredictable nature of Stobal's household and the potential for punishment or harm created a pervasive atmosphere of anxiety and hypervigilance. Hannan lived in a perpetual state of fear, always anticipating the next act of cruelty or violence. This heightened state of alertness affected his mental well-being and impacted his ability to form trusting relationships and made it challenging for him to let his guard down.
  • Loss of Identity and Self-Worth: During his captivity, Hannan was stripped of his autonomy and forced to adopt a submissive persona as "Magan" to survive. His loss of identity and constant mistreatment shattered his self-worth and self-esteem. Hannan began to internalise the belief that his only value lay in his ability to serve others and endure suffering. The repeated dehumanisation and subjugation eroded his sense of self and made it challenging to assert his own needs and desires.
  • Survivor's Guilt and Trauma: Hannan carried a profound sense of survivor's guilt due to his inability to prevent the capture and suffering of his loved ones. Despite his efforts to protect his fiancée, Nina, he felt responsible for her suffering and the pain endured by others. The burden of guilt weighed heavily on him, leading to intrusive thoughts, emotional distress, and a constant drive to ensure the safety and well-being of those around him. The trauma he experienced during his captivity continued to haunt him, manifesting in recurring nightmares, anxiety, and a deep-seated trauma that impacted his ability to fully trust and embrace a sense of peace.

Effects of Trauma

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Hannan's personality traits, which are analytical, logical, and strategic, may influence how he copes with PTSD symptoms. He may approach his symptoms rationally, trying to understand and analyse them. Hannan might seek information and resources to educate himself about PTSD, its causes, and potential coping mechanisms. He may develop strategies to manage triggers and engage in problem-solving to minimise his symptoms' impact. However, the intensity of his traumatic memories and flashbacks may challenge his ability to control his emotions completely, potentially leading to frustration or self-criticism.
  • Anxiety: Hannan's personality may contribute to an intellectualised approach to managing anxiety. He might engage in systematic thinking and planning to reduce uncertainty and alleviate anxiety-inducing situations. His ability to analyse risks and potential outcomes may help him create strategies to minimise anxious feelings. However, the constant analysis and overthinking may also exacerbate his anxiety, as he may ruminate on worst-case scenarios and struggle to find a sense of inner calm. Hannan may strive for perfectionism in an attempt to regain a sense of control over his anxiety-inducing circumstances.
  • Depression: His inclination toward introspection and self-reflection may intensify Hannan's experience of depression. He may spend considerable time analysing his thoughts, emotions, and the underlying causes of his depression. Hannan's introspective nature may drive him to seek deeper meaning and understanding of his emotions, potentially leading to insights that aid in his healing process. However, his perfectionistic tendencies and high standards may contribute to feelings of frustration or disappointment when he struggles to overcome his depressive symptoms. Hannan's drive for achievement and excellence may be dampened by the lack of energy and motivation associated with depression.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Analytical Thinking: Hannan excels in analytical thinking, possessing a keen ability to break down complex problems or situations into their parts. He naturally seeks to understand the underlying principles and patterns that govern various phenomena. This analytical mindset allows him to identify key factors, make logical connections, and derive insightful conclusions.
  • Strategic Planning: Hannan's nature enables him to excel in strategic planning. He possesses a forward-thinking mindset and enjoys developing long-term visions and goals. He considers multiple potential outcomes and devises well-thought-out plans to achieve his objectives. Hannan's ability to anticipate challenges and plan contingencies ensures he is well-prepared for future scenarios.
  • Rational Decision-Making: Hannan's decision-making process is predominantly driven by logic and reason. He relies on objective data, critical analysis, and systematic evaluation of pros and cons to make informed choices. Emotions and personal biases have minimal influence on his decision-making, allowing him to maintain a level-headed and unbiased approach.
  • Intellectual Curiosity: Hannan possesses a deep-seated thirst for knowledge and understanding. He is naturally curious about various subjects and enjoys exploring new ideas, theories, and concepts. Hannan's intellectual curiosity fuels his continuous learning and drives him to seek new challenges and intellectual pursuits.
  • Attention to Detail: Hannan is meticulous and pays close attention to detail. He is adept at noticing subtleties, patterns, and inconsistencies others might overlook. This attention to detail enhances his problem-solving abilities and allows him to identify critical information necessary for accurate analysis and decision-making.
  • Independent Thinking: Hannan values independence and is not swayed by popular opinions or societal norms. He is confident in his intellectual capabilities and prefers to form conclusions based on rational analysis and evidence. This independent thinking enables him to challenge conventional wisdom, explore unconventional ideas, and contribute innovatively to his expertise.
  • Continuous Learning: Hannan's personality makes him a lifelong learner. He constantly seeks opportunities to expand his knowledge and skills, pursuing intellectual growth in his personal and professional life. He engages in self-directed study, research, and exploration of new disciplines to broaden his intellectual horizons.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Ethical Compass and Valuing Freedom: Hannan possesses a strong ethical compass, guided by a deep sense of justice, fairness, and the belief in the inherent worth and dignity of all individuals. His upbringing with Aeryn DeSteffen instilled these moral values, forming the foundation of his principles. Additionally, his experience as a captive under Stobal Hutz reinforced his appreciation for personal freedom and autonomy, driving him to protect the rights and freedoms of others.
  • Resilience, Perseverance, and Pragmatism: Hannan's captivity and the subsequent challenges have cultivated a philosophy of resilience, perseverance, and pragmatism. He has learned to overcome adversity, demonstrating the power of resilience and determination. Hannan maintains a practical mindset, evaluating options and making decisions based on realistic assessments of the situation.
  • Striving for Personal Growth and Intellectual Curiosity: Hannan's education and exposure to diverse perspectives have nurtured his commitment to personal growth and intellectual development. He recognises the value of knowledge and continuous learning in expanding his understanding of the world. Hannan actively seeks self-improvement opportunities, challenging his beliefs and embracing intellectual curiosity.
  • Seeking Balance and Humanistic Approach: Hannan's experiences have taught him the importance of balance in life. He understands the need to balance work, personal life, responsibility, and self-care. Hannan strives to maintain a harmonious balance in his actions and decisions while also upholding a humanistic approach that values the worth and dignity of every individual. He advocates for equality, fairness, and the well-being of others.
  • Non'ima'ta Faith and Spiritual Resilience: Hannan is a devout follower of Non'ima'ta, a religion that emphasises spiritual connection, inner wisdom, and the belief in the interconnectedness of all beings. His faith provides him with a sense of purpose, guidance, and inner strength. Despite his captivity, Hannan remained steadfast in his beliefs, carving figures of the fates to continue practising his rituals. Non'ima'ta serves as a source of resilience and comfort during challenging times.
  • Respect for Diversity, Inclusivity, and Ethical Responsibility: Hannan's religious upbringing has instilled a deep respect for different beliefs, cultures, and perspectives. He values inclusivity and strives to create an environment where everyone is treated with respect and acceptance. Non'ima'ta teachings also emphasise ethical responsibility towards oneself, others, and the natural world. Hannan seeks to live harmoniously with nature, foster compassionate relationships, and promote peace and justice.
  • Quest for Spiritual Enlightenment and Integration of Faith and Reason: As a practitioner of Non'ima'ta, Hannan embarks on a continuous quest for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. Through introspection, meditation, and reflection, he seeks a deeper understanding of the world and his place within it. Hannan integrates his religious faith with rational thinking, approaching Non'ima'ta teachings with an open and inquisitive mind. He finds inspiration and guidance in spiritual principles and intellectual exploration, valuing the harmonious coexistence of faith and reason.


  • Betrayal: Given his strong moral compass and loyalty to those he cares about, betrayal may be a significant taboo for Hannan. He values trust and honesty in his relationships and expects the same in return. Hannan deeply frowns upon betraying someone's faith or engaging in actions that go against his principles.
  • Unjustifiable Violence: Hannan's upbringing with Aeryn DeSteffen and his commitment to justice make unwarranted or excessive violence taboo. While he understands the necessity of self-defence or protecting others in certain situations, gratuitous violence or causing harm without just cause contradicts his moral values.
  • Exploitation and Oppression: Given his experiences as a captive and his dedication to social justice, Hannan strongly dislikes the exploitation and oppression of others. He finds it morally reprehensible to take advantage of individuals or contribute to systems perpetuating inequality, discrimination, or injustice.
  • Abandonment and Neglect: Hannan's experience of being abandoned by his parents and its impact on him make abandonment and neglect strong taboos for him. He values loyalty and responsibility, finding it unacceptable to abandon or neglect those who rely on him, whether in personal relationships or professional commitments.
  • Infringement on Personal Freedom: Having experienced captivity and loss of personal autonomy, Hannan deeply appreciates personal freedom. Any actions or systems that infringe upon individual liberties or restrict personal autonomy without just cause are considered taboo for him.
  • Manipulation and Deception: As someone with a strong ethical compass and a desire for authenticity, Hannan views manipulation and deception as taboos. He values honesty and transparency in his interactions and expects others to do the same. Engaging in manipulative tactics or intentionally deceiving others violates trust and integrity.
  • Complacency and Apathy: Given his commitment to personal growth, social justice, and making a positive impact, Hannan views complacency and apathy as taboo. He strives for continuous improvement and actively engages in initiatives that align with his values. Remaining stagnant or indifferent to societal issues is unacceptable by Hannan.

Personality Characteristics


  1. Reunion with Family and Protecting Loved Ones: Hannan's primary motivation is to be reunited with his wife and children, whom he deeply loves and longs to protect. They are his driving force and the reason he perseveres through challenges. Beyond his immediate family, Hannan feels a strong sense of duty to safeguard those dear to him and prevent harm from befalling them.
  2. Personal Freedom and Breaking the Cycle of Slavery: Hannan desires to regain control over his life and break free from the chains of captivity. He seeks liberation from the control of others and yearns to make his own choices and decisions. Additionally, he is motivated to play a role in dismantling the system that perpetuates the enslavement of individuals, working towards breaking the cycle of slavery.
  3. Justice, Revenge, and Unraveling the Enslavement Mystery: Hannan harbours a deep desire for justice and retribution against those who have caused him harm. He seeks to hold accountable those who have wronged him and ensure they face the consequences of their actions. This motivation intertwines with his drive to uncover the truth behind his enslavement and the enslavement of his people, despite the promises of the Favont and Stiriphese governments that this would not be the case.
  4. Restoring Ananan Culture, Returning Trust, and Protecting Heritage: Hannan deeply connects to his Ananan heritage and is motivated to preserve and restore Ananan traditions, knowledge, and values. He aims to safeguard the trust between the Ananan people and the Favont government while protecting and preserving the rich heritage and legacy of the Ananan culture.
  5. Challenging Limits, Pushing Boundaries, and Personal Fulfillment: Hannan finds motivation in pushing himself beyond his perceived limits, physically and mentally. He enjoys challenging himself and seeks growth and self-improvement. Ultimately, he desires personal fulfilment and a sense of purpose, striving to find meaning in his experiences, relationships, and contributions to the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  • Fire Manipulation: Hannan can control, create, and manipulate fire, harnessing its destructive and transformative power to his advantage. He can create, shape, and extinguish flames with precision and control.
  • Ice Manipulation: Hannan is also skilled in manipulating ice and cold temperatures. He can freeze objects, create ice barriers, and unleash icy projectiles. His control over ice allows him to both defend himself and incapacitate adversaries.
  • Temperature Transformation: Hannan can alter the temperature of his surroundings, raising or lowering it to extreme degrees. This ability enables him to create intense heat or bone-chilling cold, providing him with versatile offensive and defensive options.
  • Pressure Bubbles: As one of the rare few Ananans with inter'tentian, Hannan can create pressure bubbles externally and internally around objects or individuals. This power allows him to exert crushing, pushing, pulling, and dragging forces without direct physical contact.
  • Enhanced Resistance: Through his Ananan heritage and magical abilities, Hannan possesses heightened resistance to extreme temperatures, allowing him to withstand intense heat and cold that would harm ordinary individuals.
  • Quick Reflexes: Hannan's magical abilities have honed his reflexes, granting him exceptional speed and agility in combat situations. He can react swiftly to threats and evade attacks with remarkable precision.
  • Intellectual Acuity: Hannan's love for learning and intellectual growth has sharpened his mind, making him highly intelligent and resourceful. He possesses a keen analytical ability and can strategize effectively, using his intellect to outwit opponents.
  • Determination and Resilience: Hannan's unwavering determination and resilience are his greatest savvies. He possesses an indomitable spirit that drives him to overcome challenges, persevere in the face of adversity, and never give up on his goals.
  • Protective Instincts: Hannan has a natural instinct to protect and defend those he cares about. He is fiercely loyal to his loved ones and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety, drawing upon his magical abilities and strategic thinking to keep them out of harm's way.
  • Quest for Justice: Hannan's strong sense of justice fuels his actions and choices. He seeks to right the wrongs committed against him and his people, pursuing justice for those who have been oppressed and striving to bring about a fair and equitable society.


  • Small Talk: Hannan struggles with engaging in casual conversations and finding common topics to discuss, making initiating or maintaining small talk with others difficult. He finds it challenging to adapt socially and engage in casual conversations or social events with peers, often feeling uncomfortable or out of place in social situations.
  • Emotional Expression: Hannan finds it challenging to express his emotions openly and connect with others on an emotional level, often appearing distant or reserved in personal interactions.
  • Balancing Relationships: Hannan prioritizes his studies and work commitments over spending time with loved ones, sometimes neglecting his relationships and struggling to balance his personal and professional life.
  • Collaboration: Hannan has difficulty working collaboratively in a team. He can be rigid in his thinking, particularly regarding his ideas and opinions, sometimes dismissing alternative viewpoints without considering their merits or being open to new perspectives, which can hinder effective teamwork. He also finds it difficult to let go of control and delegate tasks to others, often preferring to take on everything himself to ensure it meets his standards, leading to increased stress and burnout.
  • Impatience with Inefficiency: Hannan can become impatient with inefficiency and individuals who do not meet his high standards, which may strain his relationships and create conflicts.
  • Challenging Authority: Hannan occasionally struggles with accepting authority and may question decisions or rules that he perceives as illogical or unjust, which can result in disciplinary actions and feelings of personal failure.
  • Handling Criticism: Hannan may find it challenging to accept criticism gracefully and can be overly self-critical when his work or performance falls short of his expectations, affecting his self-esteem and motivation. He takes his failures personally.
  • Work-Life Balance: Hannan occasionally struggles with maintaining a healthy work-life balance, often prioritizing his academic and professional pursuits over personal well-being and self-care, leading to increased stress and potential burnout.
  • Reluctance to Seek Help: Hannan may find it difficult to ask for help or rely on others, preferring to tackle challenges independently and sometimes feeling reluctant to seek support when needed, which can hinder his growth and development.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Learning: Hannan has a genuine passion for acquiring knowledge and expanding his understanding of various subjects, constantly seeking opportunities to learn and broaden his horizons.
  • Problem-solving: Hannan enjoys engaging in challenging problem-solving activities, whether solving puzzles, tackling complex equations, or finding innovative solutions to real-world issues.
  • Intellectual Conversations: Hannan appreciates engaging in deep and thought-provoking conversations with others, especially when discussing topics related to science, philosophy, or current events.
  • Organisation: Hannan values organisation and finds satisfaction in creating structured systems and routines that help him stay productive and efficient in his work and personal life.
  • Achieving Goals: Hannan is driven by a strong desire to set and achieve meaningful goals, deriving a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment when he reaches milestones or accomplishes tasks he has set for himself.
  • Personal Growth: Hannan has a deep interest in personal development and strives to continuously improve himself, whether it's through self-reflection, meditation, or aiding Listelle in her research and critical thinking.
  • Technology: Despite limited access, Hannan is fascinated with technology and enjoys exploring its possibilities within the constraints imposed by his circumstances.
  • Nature: Hannan finds solace and inspiration in spending time in nature, whether taking walks in the limited outdoor spaces available to him or appreciating the beauty of the natural world from a distance.
  • Music: Although his opportunities to listen to music are limited, Hannan deeply appreciates music and cherishes the moments when he can indulge in its melodies.
  • Artistic Expression: Film and photography have become Hannan's preferred forms of artistic expression, allowing him to capture moments and convey emotions through visual storytelling. His experiences in Stobal's service gave him glimpses into this creative realm.
  • Martial Arts: Hannan enjoys practising martial arts, allowing him to channel his energy, maintain discipline, and improve physical and mental agility.
  • Meditation: Through daily meditation, Hannan achieves personal reflection, finding a sense of peace and clarity within himself despite the challenges he faces as a captive.
  • Favourable traits: Hannan values empathy, courage, integrity, resilience, intellectual curiosity, creativity, open-mindedness, humility, authenticity, collaboration, adaptability, a sense of justice, a sense of humour, kindness, and selflessness in others.


  • Confinement and Isolation: Hannan dislikes the confinement of being held captive, as it restricts his movements and prevents him from experiencing the freedom to explore the world, which in turn leads to feelings of isolation and a deep longing for social connection and meaningful interactions with others.
  • Lack of Autonomy: Hannan dislikes the lack of autonomy, control, privacy, and opportunities for personal growth in his life, yearning for freedom, self-determination, solitude, and the chance to reach his full potential.
  • Injustice: Hannan strongly dislikes injustice, unjust hierarchies, violence and conflict, and the unfair treatment of others, driven by his aversion to inequalities, oppressive systems, the negative impact of violence, and witnessing prejudice or discrimination.
  • Limitations on Knowledge and Creativity: Hannan dislikes the lack of creativity and limitations on artistic expression, as well as the restrictions on knowledge and intellectual stimulation, yearning for the freedom to express his creativity and satisfy his curiosity fully.
  • Repetition and Monotony: Hannan finds repetitive and monotonous tasks mundane and unfulfilling, desiring variety and intellectual challenges to keep his mind engaged.
  • Limitations on Travel: Hannan longs to explore different places and cultures but dislikes the fact that his captive status prevents him from experiencing the joys of travel and broadening his horizons.
  • Uncertainty and Instability: Hannan dislikes the uncertainty and instability that his situation brings, as it creates anxiety and prevents him from establishing a sense of stability and predictability in his life.
  • Unfavourable traits: Hannan dislikes individuals who exhibit cruelty, dishonesty, arrogance, manipulativeness, close-mindedness, selfishness, prejudice, lack of empathy, injustice, betrayal, laziness, ignorance, inflexibility, hypocrisy, and a lack of accountability.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Resilience: Hannan displays remarkable resilience, focus, determination, and dedication in navigating daily life, coping with mental health struggles, pursuing goals, and maintaining personal growth.
  • Strategic Thinking and Problem Solving: Hannan's personality traits, including strategic thinking, problem-solving abilities, analytical thinking, and thoughtfulness, equip him with the skills to approach challenges with logic, find innovative solutions, make informed decisions, and interact thoughtfully with others, fostering a positive impact.
  • Self-Reflection: Hannan's introspective nature fosters self-reflection, self-awareness, and personal growth, driving him to explore self-help techniques, engage in deep introspection, and seek ways to manage his mental health effectively.
  • Independence: Hannan's independence is a strength as he navigates his mental health challenges and seeks personal growth without relying on external assistance. He values it greatly in himself and others.
  • Leadership: Hannan's INTJ-A personality provides him with natural leadership abilities that can inspire and guide others.
  • Active Listening: Hannan's active listening skills and keen observational abilities empower him to be perceptive and empathetic, attentively understanding others' perspectives and making insightful observations about people and situations.
  • Loyalty and Reliability: Hannan's unwavering loyalty and reliability make him a steadfast and dependable individual in relationships. He stands by those he trusts, provides unwavering support, and fulfils his commitments with dedication and consistency, earning the trust and respect of others.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Distrustful: Due to his past experiences with psychological conditioning and the complex dynamics within his family relationships, Hannan may struggle with trusting others, including his adoptive mother or potential partners, due to fear of betrayal or abandonment.
  • Cynicism: The combination of his personality and the conditioning he has undergone may make Hannan prone to cynicism and scepticism, causing him to question people's motives and intentions.
  • Emotional detachment: Hannan's upbringing, training, and conditioning contributed to emotional detachment as a coping mechanism. He may find it challenging to express and connect with his emotions, leading to difficulty in forming deep emotional bonds.
  • Perfectionism: Hannan tends towards perfectionism. This drive for excellence and high standards can sometimes lead to self-criticism and being overly self-critical.
  • Workaholism: Hannan's dedication to personal growth and achievement may manifest as workaholism, where he becomes overly focused on work or tasks, neglecting self-care and personal relationships.
  • Rigidity: Hannan's training and conditioning may have instilled a sense of rigid thinking and adherence to protocols. This can make him resistant to change and less open to alternative viewpoints or approaches.
  • Impatience: Hannan's focus and determination, coupled with the demands of his training, could lead to impatience with others who do not meet his expectations or work at the same pace as him.
  • Tendency towards isolation: Given his past experiences and training demands, Hannan may have developed a preference for solitude and isolation to protect himself from potential threats or emotional pain.
  • Vices: Hannan does not engage in any vice. He has great self-control and values his health and fitness as they help protect him, especially when using magic.

Personality Quirks

  • Hypervigilance: Hannan's heightened awareness and restlessness, combined with his keen attention to detail, create a state of perpetual vigilance and an ability to notice even the smallest cues in his surroundings.
  • Perfectionism: Hannan tends towards perfectionism, striving for excellence in his endeavours and having high expectations.
  • Analysing and overthinking: Hannan analyses situations deeply and overthinks decisions, weighing all possible outcomes and considering various perspectives.
  • Discomfort with physical contact: Hannan exhibits a degree of discomfort with physical contact due to the psychological conditioning and abuse he has experienced, leading to a guarded or reserved demeanour.
  • Slight social awkwardness: Hannan may exhibit a degree of social awkwardness, particularly in casual or unfamiliar social situations, due to his focus on strategy and analytical thinking.
  • Rituals or routines: Hannan relies on specific rituals or routines to maintain a sense of control and order in his life, providing structure and stability. Rituals include the following:
    • Morning Meditation and Yoga: He starts his day with a calming meditation and yoga session to centre himself and promote mindfulness.
    • Jogging in Princess Listelle's Gardens: Hannan jogs in the scenic gardens, enjoying the fresh air and exercise.
    • Planning and Preparation: He prefers to have a clear plan for the day and the following day, reviewing his diary each morning to stay organised and prepared.
    • Reading New Magical Science: Hannan dedicates time each week to reading the latest edition of New Magical Science, allowing him to engage in meaningful conversations with Princess Listelle about her interests.
    • Ensuring Safety: Before going to bed, Hannan conducts a visual check to ensure everyone in the house is safe and accounted for, prioritising their well-being and security.
    • Bedtime Reading: He reads a chapter of a book before sleep, providing a moment of relaxation and enjoyment before resting for the night.


Contacts & Relations

  • Aeryn DeSteffen
  • Listelle
  • Stobal Hutz
  • Laniesti Hutz
  • Aidan Hutz
  • Janavier Rance
  • Yoa
  • Meridian
  • Nina Neseryada
  • Magita Neseryada
  • Lucian Neseryada
  • Han Marisa
  • Nighlix
  • Dacoran Arabada
  • Annecy Woods
  • Chartreuse Kennet

Family Ties

Religious Views

Hannan's religious view is deeply rooted in his upbringing in the faith of Non'ima'ta, which has shaped his values, beliefs, and understanding of the world. Non'ima'ta represents a spiritual connection to the natural world, emphasising harmony, balance, and respect for all living beings. It gives him a sense of identity, purpose, and moral compass.

However, due to the circumstances of his captivity and the imposition of Angelism, Hannan's religious expression is severely restricted. He is forced to conform outwardly to the practices of Angelism, despite his inner allegiance to Non'ima'ta. He must conceal his true beliefs and engage with Angelism cautiously, knowing that being caught practising his faith could lead to severe consequences.

Despite his challenges and constraints, Hannan's religious views remain a source of solace, strength, and personal connection. He seeks moments of solitude and reflection to quietly maintain his connection to Non'ima'ta, finding ways to nurture his faith in the face of adversity and oppression.

Social Aptitude

Hannan's social aptitude is shaped by his conditioning, personality, education, and training, enabling him to navigate social interactions with confidence and adaptability. While he may not possess innate charisma, his military intelligence training has equipped him with interpersonal skills. Hannan approaches social situations with poise, adhering to etiquette and demonstrating respect. He treats perceived superiors with deference and professionalism, fulfilling his duties within established hierarchies.


When Hannan is in service, he conducts himself with grace and professionalism. Despite his captive status, he upholds a dignified demeanour and attentively attends to guests' needs. Hannan demonstrates humility, efficiency, and excellent etiquette, contributing to the event's success while maintaining a low profile.


As a slave himself, Hannan shows empathy and understanding towards fellow slaves, offering support and solidarity. He strives to protect and help them, advocating for their rights and well-being. In the servants' quarters, Hannan fosters camaraderie, engaging in friendly interactions, sharing stories, and appreciating his colleagues' contributions. He treats fellow slaves respectfully, valuing their equality and creating a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.


Hannan's mannerisms reflect a combination of his upbringing, personality traits, and training. He carries himself with discipline and purpose, displaying controlled and deliberate movements. His body language often conveys a sense of alertness and attentiveness due to his conditioning and military background.

Hannan's gestures are precise and measured, reflecting his analytical thinking and attention to detail. He uses subtle hand movements to emphasise his points or convey meaning. While not overly expressive, his facial expressions reveal a depth of thought and introspection.

Hannan exhibits polite and respectful behaviour in social interactions, maintaining eye contact and listening attentively. He speaks with a measured and confident tone, choosing his words carefully and conveying a sense of intelligence and thoughtfulness. Hannan's calm and composed demeanour can sometimes come across as reserved, but it is rooted in his introverted nature and the need to maintain control over his emotions.

During moments of stress or tension, Hannan displays subtle signs of internal struggle or inner turmoil, such as a tightening of his jaw or a furrowing of his brow. These indicators reveal the depth of his experiences and his resilience in navigating difficult situations.

Hobbies & Pets

  • Intellectual Pursuits: Hannan indulges in reading, immersing himself in diverse genres like history, philosophy, and fantasy, finding solace and intellectual stimulation. He also engages in writing as a creative outlet, encompassing journaling, short stories, and poetry. Additionally, he actively pursues research and knowledge acquisition, fueling his thirst for understanding and broadening his perspective.
  • Active Fitness and Combat Training: Hannan maintains his physical and mental prowess through regular physical exercises like weightlifting, running, and martial arts, combining his military and espionage training to stay fit and skilled in self-defence.
  • Meditation: Hannan values mindfulness and introspection, finding peace and clarity through meditation practices that help him manage his thoughts and emotions.
  • Strategic Games and Chess: Hannan's analytical mind and strategic thinking lend themselves to his enjoyment of strategic board games and chess. Through these intellectually stimulating challenges, he can exercise his problem-solving skills and engage in mentally stimulating matches that showcase his tactical abilities.
  • Music Appreciation: While Hannan prefers rock music, he finds solace and tranquillity in listening to Listelle playing the piano. Despite limited access to the music of his choice, he appreciates the soothing melodies and skilful playing, allowing him to find moments of respite and emotional connection through music.
  • Nature Exploration: When given the opportunity, Hannan enjoys spending time in nature, taking walks, hiking, or simply immersing himself in the beauty of the outdoors.


  • Tone of Voice: His tone is typically measured and composed, reflecting his disciplined nature and military background. It carries an air of authority and confidence and has underlying intensity and determination.
  • Pitch: Hannan's pitch tends to be moderate, neither excessively high nor low. It conveys a sense of seriousness, attentiveness, and control.
  • Accent and Dialect: As a native speaker of Anana, Hannan would have a fluent command of the language, speaking it with a native Ananan accent and dialect. However, due to his enslavement and the need to communicate in Perenx most of the time, his Perenx accent and dialect have become more pronounced. He has adopted the regional accent and dialect associated with Paget.
  • Common Phrases: Hannan often says hello merhaba, goodbye nini-berriro, please akawmu, thank you h'vala, yes iya and no tru in Anana when speaking with his equals.
  • Insults: Due to his disciplined nature and sense of honour, Hannan generally avoids using insults. However, if provoked, he might respond with cutting remarks that challenge someone's competence or integrity.
  • Swearing: Hannan, being disciplined and composed, generally refrains from using strong or offensive language. However, in extreme frustration or anger, he might express his discontent through milder expletives or assertive language. He sometimes swears in Anana: Gehena! (Hell) Epa'zi! (bloody) Enta'n'wa (Frogchild), and L'ousigla (ugly cow)



Half-brother (Important)

Towards Aidan Hutz



Aidan Hutz

Half-brother (Important)

Towards Magan




A complex dynamic characterises the relationship between Hannan and Aidan. Despite being half-brothers, they only meet when Hannan is taken captive by Stobal Hutz, and both know each other under the alias of Magan. Driven by the desire to avoid punishment, Hannan maintains a polite and civil demeanour with Aidan but deliberately avoids forming a deeper familial connection. On the other hand, Aidan yearns for a genuine bond and connection with Hannan, longing for a relationship that transcends their forced circumstances.

Nina Neseryada

spouse (Vital)

Towards Magan




spouse (Vital)

Towards Nina Neseryada




Hannan and Nina share a deep and affectionate bond, forged through their university days and strengthened by their experiences during the war and post-reconstruction period. Their relationship blossomed over time, leading to marriage and the joy of building a family together. Their love is unwavering, and their commitment to each other is evident in their willingness to go to great lengths to support and care for one another.


adopted son (Vital)

Towards Aeryn DeSteffen



Aeryn DeSteffen

mother (Vital)

Towards Magan




Hannan and Aeryn's relationship began when Aeryn adopted him at the age of 8 following the tragic loss of his twin sister. Although new to parenthood, Aeryn showered Hannan with love and protection, fiercely guarding him against harm. Aeryn's deep love for Hannan is evident, and she feels great pain witnessing his captivity and mistreatment. She imparted her knowledge of self-defence to him, instilling in him the skills of a skilled warrior. Aeryn's stoic nature inspired Hannan to hide his emotions, fostering a bond built on strength and resilience.


slave (Important)

Towards Listelle




mistress (Important)

Towards Magan




Hannan and Listelle's relationship began with initial hesitations and uncertainties on Listelle's part due to her previous encounters with individuals of Ananan descent. However, Hannan was determined to demonstrate his loyalty and trustworthiness, committing himself wholeheartedly to his duties and showing unwavering dedication. Over time, he earned Listelle's trust through his diligence, attentiveness, and protective instincts, which deepened their bond. Their connection transcended societal expectations and evolved into a romantic relationship, solidifying their profound and unbreakable bond.


slave (Important)

Towards Stobal Hutz



Stobal Hutz

master (Vital)

Towards Magan




Stobal and Hannan's relationship has undergone a profound shift over time. Initially, when Hannan was a young boy, their interactions were marked by mentorship and shared interests, fostering a sense of trust. However, after Stobal's kidnapping of Hannan as an adult, their dynamic twisted into manipulation and control. Stobal's anger and vengeance led him to rename Hannan as Magan and employ psychological tactics to break him. This reshaped their connection into one of oppressive submission, where affection and abuse became intertwined. Stobal's calculated manipulation transformed their once-promising bond into a dark and twisted relationship, emblematic of his malevolent nature.

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Commander in the Favont Army
  • Lord of Osya
  • Date of Birth
    28th September
    Year of Birth
    913 TS 35 Years old
    Place of Death
    Parents (Adopting)
    Aidan Hutz (Half-brother)
    5ft 10"
    Known Languages
  • Anana
  • Perenx
  • Niphanese
  • Marwornese
  • Enwan
  • FSL (Favont Sign Language)
  • Character Prototype
  • Troubled Ananan with a resilient spirit
  • Captive
  • Endured physical abuse and mistreatment
  • Military Intelligence Officer
  • Skilled in strategy and analysis
  • Physical Resilience
  • Fitness and agility despite the abuse
  • Scars and Tattoos
  • Reminder of past, personal expressions
  • Intense Appearance
  • Narrow, pinched face, bright blue eyes
  • Adornments
  • Eyebrow piercing, multiple ear piercings, wedding ring
  • Clothing
  • Rags as a captive, refined livery in service
  • Magical Abilities
  • Ignatan (fire/ice control), Inter'tentian (pressure manipulation)
  • Limitations in Magic
  • needs good health to use magic
  • Emotional Complexities
  • Carries trauma, shapes demeanour
  • Determination
  • Strives for purpose and freedom
  • Personality Type
  • INTJ-A
  • The Architect