Case 6 Report Report in Fathomless Frontiers | World Anvil
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Case 6 Report

General Summary

They woke up, got the note and the brochure, discovered that they lost three days. They discussed with Mercutio (who was overlooked by their attackers) and discover that they left him behind at the motel and went to the Lab. They found a hint in the Coocher's mileage; there's too little compared to how much they would've had to drive. They went to Ms. Mary's and made fast friends. They got all her lore and bought a chunky necklace and a little stone with a cat print on it. They left around 5:30 and went to Fort Apache. There, they found the Hag pretending to be Dale, briefly believed it, and then didn't anymore. Calliope attacked, got shot, and the hag ran off. They gave chase, then found Dale - skinless and suffering - and mercy-killed him. They pursued the Hag back to its nest in the Swamp and killed it there, with a juicy bite and a shot to the mouth. They returned to the hotel room and promptly fell asleep.

Missions/Quests Completed

Killed the Boo Hag

Character(s) interacted with

Ms. Mary, "Dale," and skinless Dale
Radical Roadtrip
Report Date
12 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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