Released, Despair Report in FateRealms | World Anvil
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Released, Despair

General Summary

After some off time, the adventuring band of Issum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum IgnisIssum Ignis were confronted by the guards of @Woodstock and a very quiet Densharr "Rolling Thunder".   After some discussion, it came to light that Densharr had ratted out Issum Ignis as the cause for the strange purple "Star" that had been seen over Stonehollow. Issum Ignis was taken to see Baron Robert Fletcher.   After some discussion, most done by Carol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol JonesCarol Jones using her silver tongue, it was agreed that the party would not be arrested, and that there would be waited until anything happens regarding the purple "Star".   The rest of the day went by uneventfully, until Thesiel was joined by a few AutumnReavers from the Circle of the Grove.  
  • Jane Hornblower
  • Alwel Gwamiel
  • Kohuru Athunavi or "Dragonhunter" as he is known as
  Later that day, Woodstock received an unwelcome visitor.    
The day seems colder than usual for one during Winterwane. The cold should've been retreating by now, but for some reason there is this unshakable chill in the air. The clopping of hooves on stone and merchants selling their wares makes the town feel truly alive. It's a comforting sound, the people of Woodstock going on their daily routines, but there seems to be a faint thudding sound that permeates the air...

It is dismissible at first, but it slowly grows in volume. As it gets louder and louder, coming from somewhere in the south, people stop and stare, trying to find the source of this strange sound. Only when a small impish boy shouts, "There!" do the people quiet down and turn to stare." And sure enough, as you turn and look in the direction he is pointing, it catches your eye.

A Gargantuan and thunderous shape seems to be approaching Woodstock. The glint off of its blue sapphire like scales catches your eye. It has an enormous wingspan slowly rising and falling as it approaches. Thump... Thump... Thump... The vibrations hit your body as it draws ever closer. And as you stare, you realize that it is not empty-handed. In its claws rots the carcass of a humpback whale, one that the beast seems to have been feeding on. The dragon's head swings down as it takes another bite.

Chaos breaks loose. Suddenly there's a scream from the crowd and people turn and scatter. They scream and push and move so fast it seems they can fly. Mothers grab the arms of their children, who still seem to be transfixed by the sight before them. Merchants grab their goods and load their carts; it's complete mayhem as the beast approaches.

The beast roars, the sound rattling in your ears and shivering through your bones. You see the beast drop the carcass and hear a huge crash as it hits some unfortunate fellow's home close to the edge of the town. You watch as the beast flies over, a faint mist seems to be trailing from it's wings. The dragon lands in a field outside of town, about 650 yards from Woodstock, and it hunkers down, staring at the ever approaching purple presence.
  During this mayhem, Issum Ignis recuperated, and started forming a plan of action. Meanwhile, the guards of Woodstock had formed a group of soldiers that left to approach the beast. Some were stopped by Neriha, but the rest ran to their deaths. With a huge bellow, the beast destroyed them using a torrent of water from it's mouth. It seems like the beast had no intention of fighting, and was merely waiting on the purple presence to make itself known.   Issum Ignis tried to communicate with the beast, but after a few failed attempts, they gave up. Carol Jones had the idea to collect some water from the beast to use during scrying. After throwing out some of her perfume, she was able to collect some.   As the druids along with Thesiel and Neriha got ready to leave, Yorlin, Rikka Zhakan and Carol sat on the hill at the edge of town, watching and waiting for whatever was to come.  
Ever so slowly the purple aberration approaches. It grows brighter and brighter as it slowly descends. You hear the Sea dragon roar triumphantly as it crescendos in a flash of purple light. And where it hits the ground, you see a Gargantuan Black form. Another dragon. But it's different; strange and unusual. It has these flickering spots on it's body. They twinkle and flash, looking like stars from the heavens. It pulls up it's head and roars. And in your head you hear it's voice.

"Free at last... Now my time has come to finish that which had been so rudely interrupted, by those filthy little dwarves..."

Character(s) interacted with

  • Densharr Rolling Thunder
  • Jane Hornblower
  • Alwel Gwamiel
  • Kohuru Athunavi or "Dragonhunter" as he is known as
Report Date
14 Feb 2018
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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