Fey Mould Exterminator

Fey mould has been an occurrence in Concordia ever since the Fey Fall. The small mushrooms look innocent enough, though they slowly shift colour over time and do appear in funky rainbow patterns.   The fungi are most problematic on the outskirts of Concordia, where they penetrate and weaken te walls that defend against the wildlands.   Additionally, these fungi leak minimal amounts of wild magic. If the growth of fungi is being kept under control, these amounts of wild magic are negligable and don't affect daily life. However, when there is a large population of fey fungi in the area, they can severely impact magic usage, making the outcome of almost any spell unpredictable.   Fey mould is one of the last remnants of the Fey Fall in an otherwise reasonably safe Concordia, and the last time the fey mould has posed any real threats to society is generations ago. From what originally was the Fey Threat Management Department, held in high esteem, only mould extermination remains.   Without many incidents occurring, which should be a testament to the hard work of the exterminators doing their job well, many people have forgotten the urgency of the task. In many households, fey mould is regarded as a nuisance, but not as the threat to their safety it is.   Fey Mould exterminators have the humble but vital task of cutting down mushrooms and cleaning up their hyphae. As you would not need any particular skills to carry out this task, this job is not held in high esteem. On the contrary, fey mould exterminators often face some discrimination, as their environment assumes that this is either something temporary, or that they have no ambition.   Even so, the pay is decent and reliable, the duties are varied and consist mainly of being outside, and it is not very physically demanding. There usually is no shortage of employees, even though many more are required in autumn, than in the other seasons.