The Highlands Geographic Location in Fantasy Novel Setting WIP | World Anvil
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The Highlands

The Highlands is both the geographical region north of the Reelcana River and the type of geography that predominates it. The [unnamed mountains] break the region into northwestern and southeastern areas, but the region tends to be delineated by its people, not its cardinal directions.   The people of the Highlands are divided into nomadic tribes, each of which may have rough control over an area, but the borders aren't distinct and may change rapidly without warning. Outsiders are generally mistrusted, which makes mapping the Highlands' political boundaries next to impossible.


Highlands a la Scotland
grasslands, rocky, hilly, foothills (mountains are not considered part of Highlands, but [mountain range to-be-named]), chilly small lakes and fast-flowing, mountain-runoff rivers

Localized Phenomena

Occasionally, aurora borealis is visible in the northern Highlands.

Fauna & Flora


natural: grasslands (prairies becoming steppes further north), coniferous and northern/high altitude deciduous trees (might hit boreal forest conditions in northernmost regions)

Agriculture doesn't fit as well in the Highlands as in southern areas, but there is some.



Livestock that don't need wide plains but can handle rocky/hilly terrain: goats, sheep, some cattle based on room to graze.


Reelcana River Flood! (year zero)


None. The tribes are not particularly outsider-friendly, barring some trade agreements and a few personal connections not at the tribal level.   Though it is essentially a secret until shared with Ria in Book Three, Chaecrya still maintains ties to Clan Eclya to the north. Once upon a time they were two halves of the same clan.


WIP Reference

Highland Tribes (TBD)

Related Places
Tribal Territories (see Highland Tribes)
Dun Eclya
[unnamed bridge/ford city]
[unnamed mountains] (internal border)
Reelcana River (southern border)


Neighboring Regions
[Unnamed Arctic Sea] (north)
[Unnamed Impassable Mountains] (east)
The Midlands (south)
[Unnamed Ocean] (west)

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