The Nea'Archi Doctrine Organization in Fahr Ryasc | World Anvil

The Nea'Archi Doctrine (neh-ah-ARK-ee)

The Nea'Archi Doctrine is an orthodox religion dominant among the Irexi city-states of the Old Xjinn Empire. The Doctrine venerates the Lords of the Higher Worlds and promotes the supremacy of Cosmic Law among the mortals of Fahr Ryasc. It is thouroughly interwoven throughout all strata of Xjinn society and guides most aspects of life, from the mundane toils the lowest of the low endure to the exalted privilege of the highest nobility.


The Nea'Archi Doctrine is a heirarchical organization of obligation, the lower tiers of the organization owing servitude to the tiers above them in the heirarchy. The Exalted Archon rests at the top of the Nea'Archi Doctrine, being served by the Nînstar Archanate. The Archons of the Nînstar Archanate are in turn served by the College of Prelates. The College of Prelates are served by the chapters of the order, the Lamphouses.

Each Lamphouse is governed by a Halzar who, in turn is served by the Priest Superiors. The Priest Superiors direct the Priesthood. For those not yet elevated to the Priesthood, Clerics, Aspirants, Attendants, and other non-priest roles serve as the administration of the Church organization.

The Lamphouses are the sects of the Nea'Archi Doctrine. They minister to the different facets of life, promoting compliance and submission to Law and the Church. They are named for the first Seers who received revelation from TzalQTzal.

  • Lamphouse Ennuzian
  • The Ennuzians study the heavens and divine signs from the patterns in the stars
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds : Resplendent TzalQTzal
  • Lamphouse Kandallan
  • The Kandallans study and write the history of Fahr Rysac
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Mìmìr
  • Lamphouse Annatine
  • The Annatine proselytize the doctrine of the Nea'Archi to the unconverted
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Kutkh
  • Lamphouse Rabutian
  • The Rabutian curate and censor the vast libraries of books and documents held by the Church
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Zhauk-Tei
  • Lamphouse Zammanan
  • The Zammanan enforce orthodoxy among the faithful, sheperding those who stray back into the fold through righteous discipline
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Marutok
  • Lamphouse Demethite
  • The Demethite spread the dogma of the Lords of the Higher Worlds
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: SaìLihpis
  • Lamphouse Kalunnan
  • The Kalunnan interpret the words of the Lords of the Higher Worlds and record them as epistles
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Einaahl, Mother of the Cycle
  • Lamphouse Ahnssani
  • The Ahnsanni sit in judgement over the application of Church dogma, doctrine and orthodoxy
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Akras
  • Lamphouse Apil-Sine
  • The Apil-Sine deliver the compassion and mercy of the Church to those who fail to satisfy the rigid strictures of the Lords of the Higher Worlds
  • Patron Lord of the Higher Worlds: Auborobua


The Nea'Archi Doctrine is a rigid, uncompromising institution. It promotes the metaphysical force of Law as a mold to shape the mortal world of Fahr Ryasc. Through the Doctrine, there is a stability and comfort in the structure it imposes over the people ministered to. Every person has a place in the grand design of the Cosmos, and every place in the Cosmos is meant to be filled by a mortal person. So long as the grand design of the Lords of the Higher Worlds is observed and adhered to, there is harmony, fortune and safety for all.

To this end, the will of the indivudual must submit to the supremacy of the Doctrine, through the authority of the Lamphouses, and ultimately the Exalted Archon. Because of this, any divergece or nonconformity from the designs of the Nea'Archi Doctrine is, at its most generous, a sin and at its worst, a crime. In places where the Nea'Archi Doctrine is the state religion, members of other religions are branded heretics and cultists and are persecuted. People who are members of the Nea'Archi Doctrine who fail to conform to the dogma of the Church risk censure, or even excommunication.

Public Agenda

The true will of Gods is impossible for mortals to comprehend. Even demigods like TzalQTzal or Auborobua stretch the limits of what the mortal mind can understand. The Nea'Archi Doctrine strives to interpret the Lords of the Higher Worlds' will into a message that they can deliver to the world.

That message is the dictum of Cosmic Law. Through the Nea'Archi Doctrine, all of the Irex city-states, their colonies and conquests spread the influence of Law into Fahr Ryasc. Although sorcery is utilized among the Irex, the practice is tolerated and suspect by the Church. It is the view of the Church that sorcery is inherently chaotic in nature, and it's use is an inducement to worship of the Great Old Ones, timeless adversaries of the Lords of the Higher Worlds.

The Doctrine seeks to bring the mortal world of Fahr Ryasc as close as possible to perfection of Cosmic Law. To this end, the Doctrine condemns nonconformity as sinful. Obedience to Church authority is blessed. Cleaving to tradition as promoted within the church is likewise encouraged.


The Nea'Archi Doctrine was founded when Resplendent TzalQTzal revealed the Lords of the Higher Worlds to the First Archon and his apostles. The nine seers became their first priests and spread TzalQTzal's Revelations among the people of Hming-Xia and the Empire of Vakra.

As Hming-Xia declined, the influence of the new church grew and competed with old, disorganized religions and cults venerating Elemental Princes, the Elder Serpents, and the Great Old Ones. The name Nea'Archi derived from the titles the priests were given. In the tongue of Hming-Xia, Nea'Archi means "New Piety".

When Hming-Xia lost it's sovereignty over the Xjinn Cities and after the Doom of Vakra drowned their Empire into the Kharian Basin, the Nea'Archi Doctrine rebuilt the broken realms. The Church supported the ascenscion of the first Xinj as they forged the Xjinn cities into a new Empire that took dominion of the old lands of Hming-Xia and spread to dominate the heart of the Marikohr Sea. At the founding of the Xjinn Empire, the Nea'Archi Doctrine was established as State Religion, the Exalted Archon coronating each Xinj with the authority of Law.

So powerful did the Nea'Archi Doctrine become, even when the last Xinj, Maaq, died without a successor to the throne. The Church expanded it's authority to the Irex cities as they evolved into interconnected city-states. The Zhaahs, rulers of the Irex were elevated to their station only through the authority of the Archons of the Church.

Cosmological Views

Resplendent TzalQTzal revealed to Ennuzat the First Archon and his companions the workings of Cosmic Law among the worlds of the universe. TzalQTzal introduced the Nine to the struggle of Law vs Chaos, and showed them the consequences should Chaos and their Old Ones prevail in their endless struggle. This is the Truth that the Nea'Archi Doctrine speaks of.

Over the centuries that followed, the rest of the Lords of the Higher Worlds guided the Nea'Archi Doctrine as a means of extending their influence over the mortal world. Through them, the Nea'Archi Doctrine and by extension the Old Xjinn Empire gathered power that rivaled that of Vakra. Indeed, it was Vakra's fealty to the Old Ones and Sorcery that caused the catastrophe that brought on it's Doom. Such disaster could be the fate of the world, indeed all worlds should Chaos prevail over Law in this great struggle.

Tenets of Faith

The Nea'Archi Doctrine bases it's faith on the Lords of the Higher Worlds, whose will is interpreted and expressed through two documents. The first is the Archì, a code of conduct recorded in a list of comandments. The second is the Kodica Tounomu. A library of volumes that expand upon the Archì, detail the history of the church, establish the roles and duties of the heirarchy, and contain records of the revelations of the Lords of the Higher Worlds to the Exalted Archon and the Nînstar Archanate. The Kodica is constantly expanding, and with every First Dawn of a new year, more content is added.

Very few of the priesthood or the layfolk in the Nea'Archi Doctrine have read the entirety of the Kodica Tounomu. Even the most learned members of Lamphouses Kandallan or Kalunnan seldom know everything that is contained in the totality of the Kodica Tounomu. Indeed, the breadth of knowledge within the Kodica Tounomu is so vast that convocations are filled with debate among the Priest Superiors, Halzar and Prelates.

The creed of the Nea'Archi Doctrine is codified in a list of commandments titled the Archì

  1. Absolute obediance to the Lords of the Higher Worlds through the Nea'Archi Doctrine
  2. Never embrace Chaos, nor the dæmonic powers that corrupt
  3. Abstinance from all things that will mislead you from conforming to the Nea'Archi Doctrine
  4. Fidelity towards your true bonded family, cling to them all your mortal days
  5. Truth is found in the Lords of the Higher Worlds and their will. Seek their truth and heed it.
  6. Obey and Honor the Priesthood and the Elders
  7. Never break the Kodica Tounomu. Keep the Law and follow its discipline
  8. Serve those greater than you and lead those lesser than you, for this is the proper way of the Cosmos.
  9. Lies are a stain upon a perfect expression of harmony. Speak them not, do not hold them in your mind or your heart.

Nine Beacons, One Light

Founding Date
3,133 years before present
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Church, The Doctrine
Government System


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