Iron Company Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Iron Company

Formed during the Cult of the Dragon's raid on Greenest The Iron Company found itself embroiled in, what they later found out, were potentially world changing events.   The name Iron Company was eventually what others began to call them due in large part to the legend of Pubert and the Iron Gnome which was started by party member Malice Bloodmoon who also tends to be the group's chief negotiator.   Having had a major hand in defeating the Cult of the Dragon and stopping the evil dragon goddess Tiamat from escaping the Nine Hells, they now a seeking revenge against the Red Wizards of Thay for their betrayal during the conflict against the Cult and for the tortures they endured when visiting Thay to secure their aid against the Cult.
Founding Date
Adventuring Party

Affiliated Members:
Rikon Oakenhelm (Hireling)
Jamna Gleamsilver - deceased

Past Members:
Arynor Tragwyn
Aluric De'Strenbow
Rargir Stetsk


Brehana Warpip  is a member of The Harpers


Arynor Tragwyn is affiliated with (but not a full member of) the Emerald Enclave


The Iron Company rescued Maccath the Crimson from the white dragon known as Arauthator and thus returned items stolen by the dragon from teh Brotherhood leading them joining the fight against the Cult of the Dragon


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