Elder Runes Spell in Faerûn Expanded | World Anvil
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Elder Runes

A Glyph of Warding spell is good this is better. A powerful variation on the Symbol spell are the Elder Runes. They are runes of immense power, more than the regular glyphs at least, that take years to study and master. But when one does master them a simple casting of Symbol allows the placement of one of them.

They are each individually unique peaces of magical constructs with their banes and boons being as different as their appearance. Each one can have a helpful or harmful effect depending on the will of the caster. Ones cast by Halaster are 50/50, good or bad. 

He has innovated on rune construction and invented a number of runes, including one he named after himself. It takes decades to master a rune, centuries to make one. This shows just how much free time Halaster has on hand. If tutored by another the learning time would be cut down drastically, but Halaster has a bad track record regarding apprentices.

Known Runes
  • Halaster, Rune of the Mad Mage: This rune is all over the place as befitting the Mad Mage, it can either deal force damage or return spell slots.
  • Lammath, Rune of Security: This rune can either debuff and remove the ability to have advantage or give a stupid amount of temporary hit points.
  • Laebos, Rune of Fire: D6s of fire damage to add to hits or a ton of fire damage this one is simple.
>It is said that Halaster has a special rune modeled after one of his most recent apprentices. 
>Not many people learn the Elder Runes other than Halaster and his apprentices, it´s somewhat of a lost art.
>There is a dancing rune he uses at parties.
¨Elder Runes so useful, I like making new ones. How does one that turns you into a sheep sound?¨

This article has no secrets.


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