Agent Cranium Character in Faerûn Expanded | World Anvil
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Agent Cranium

One of the first two field agents of the Department of Skullduggery along with her partner Agent Wolf. Cranium is her code name chose entirely based on how cool it sounds, her real name is Ms. Helena Roffillot.

She is the more energetic and maverick of the two with the unorthodox stratagems to counter Wolf's rule abiding nature. She is usually the one to take control of a situation and direct the flow of chaos. She has worked for the City Watch for a few years before Elminster noticed that she had promise for his new Department and transferred her.
>Chose the code name because it easily conveyed her position as the quick thinker of the team, that and it sounds cool.
>She has a pet blink dog named Jump who she occasionally takes on low danger missions. 
>She has some skill with a violin but does not like to play it.
"Agent Cranium the balance of Verres and Wolf. Energetic, outgoing, a quick thinker, she is the perfect foil to both of them as they are to her"


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