Fabula mundi Creation of the World

Creation of the World

Religious event


5500 BC is the traditional date for the creation of the world according to the Septuagint version of the Bible widely accepted by the Orthodox churches and the early Roman Catholic church.

Other estimates for the creation of thr world vary. The world was created in 5509 BC according to medieval readings of the Greek Septuagint bible. The rabbinical readings of the Hebrew Masoretic text (9th century) calculate the creation of the world as being 6 October 3761 BC. The Venerable Bede, using the Vulgate version of the Bible, calculated that the world was created on 18 March 3952 BC. The Irish monk Marianus Scotus, writing in the 11th century AD, calculated that the world was created in 4192 BC; his work was commonly accepted in England.

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