Yuan-ti Species in Exorsia | World Anvil
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Yuan-ti are a species of snakelike humanoids who believe that the snake is the perfect form of being. While they are genetically different from other species on Exorisa they act more like a cult than a conventional species.   Yuan-ti have been touched by the serpent God Apophis, evolving them from their original forms to humanoid-serpent hybrids. Prisoners or devout followers of Apophis undergo a sacred ritual to begin this transformation, slowly becoming more and more snake-like as the years go on. Though most Yuan-ti are nowadays born from unions between two Yuan-ti, these are known as purebloods.   Yuan-ti vary widely in appearance, commonly appearing as the species of their parents but with snake-like qualities. They begin as humanoids with serpentine eyes, developing more scales as they age until they gain serpentine heads and tails instead of legs.   Yuan-ti are most commonly found in the Kuai Archipelago, banished to nameless islands due to their devotion to a dark deity.


  Yuan-ti mature at the same rate as their origin species. Most Yuan-ti live for as long as their origin species while those who undergo the more advanced transformations living for upwards of 1000 years.


  Yuan-ti hatch from eggs. A Yuan-ti can produce a litter of one egg, this egg must be kept warm for 7 to 9 months before it hatches.
See origin species
Average Height
See origin species
Geographic Distribution
Patron Deity:
Apophis - He Who Devours


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