Nearing River Geographic Location in Exflora | World Anvil
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Nearing River

The Nearing River begins in the Southern highlands of the Koi Peninsula and winds its way to the coast emptying out in the Petchenegs Sea . It spends most of its life flowing through the Karnak Desert creating a narrow fertile valley in the otherwise desolate desert lands. During its travels, it passes through 4 substantial lakes that are all navigable thanks to the many series of locks that have been built to facilitate the river trade. Most of this trade heading south start the river passage in either Lepaya , Tuz Gold  or Saros departs the river at Ceration and then heads across the desert to Sandtown then onto the ports of the Eastern Karnak Sea. The reverse is true for the Northern trade.    The Countries that the Hearing River flows through are: Ogurchinski , Saros , Tosna , Lepaya , Kuban , Tuz Gold , Attawapiskat , and Kameoka .   


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