A Quiet Place Settlement in Excellence | World Anvil
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A Quiet Place

Deep underground, a city cradled by a suspended cocoon and coils of purple mass hug the cave walls. Hushed city bustle and occasionally rumbling, slither is the only noise within this chamber. The city maintains this quiet atmosphere, not from fear of purple masses, but the other threats lurking within their stone walls.


Time is a loose concept here. There is no single, constant time with many Drow working by their respective trade-set time. A drow will be alerted to the time by a Flashing Stone, a stone enchanted to give off a bright, flashing light. These stones are used for time-keeping, emergency alerts, or announce a visitor's arrival.


The City

Large gemstones weaved into with fabrics to the cocoon's walls, who's purpose is to prevent damage to the city from falling stones. These gemstones are enchanted with Abjuration magic to form a large shield around the cocoon. The purple worms have no interest in the city, itself, thus no weapons to defend the city can be found.  
New blood, defending the city from them is pointless and waste of resources. If they wanted to kill us all, there wouldn't be anything left. You'll see in the tunnels, soon enough....
— Veteran Guard

The Tunnels

Growing webs and nauseous yellow gas fills the tunnel obscuring the city's path. These webs serve as 'gates' to the city and the gas to deter anything wishing to pass through. Small tunnels adjacent to the main tunnel providing cover and safety to guards. The guards will retreat to their small tunnels when a swift purple worm passes through the webs.  

Purple Worms

While these beasts are under-study, they do not attack the city and indirectly defend it. The worms slumber along chamber walls, if they detect a threat several of the worms will burrow to it and kill it before it reaches the chamber. However, they have a level of intelligence and take previous tunnels instead of burrowing new ones. They seem to have a form of communication, which is under-study.



Use aeroponics to harvest plants adapted to the underground lighting and feeding through mists. They eat a variety of mushrooms, plants, and meat from herds of Deep Rothe. The population is primarily of Drow descend with the occasional "visitor" sprinkled somewhere.  
Never startle a Roche, the herd will stampede and they can kill worms. Don't underestimate their small form.
— Roche Herder


An advantage of being underground is readily available sources of metals, gemstones, and materials. Harvesting the resources has challenges; battling native beasts, maintaining silence levels, and searching for creatures from beyond. Using a combination of spells can one extract a material with minimal noise, however, a mage's skill in these magics changes how long.  
The longer we stay.....can't be out long.....why did we get the slow mage....please, don't let me die
— whispering guard

Purple Worms

Aggressive hunters when encountered in the tunnels, here they are docile and taking still, peaceful rests. Not much was known about them, outside of their aggressiveness and seeming shyness when approached while resting. Till one drow decided to test these beasts.....  
They're attracted to this place. Sit around one long enough, you can feel the air get cold and hear soft melody of thumping. I've fell asleep here many times, for awhile thought I was crazy, I swear the beast moved each time I came back. Began marking where I laid then how close it would let me get before moving away. I discovered it moved closer to me each time I rested nearby then it happened. A soft, cooling touch woke me.....
— Div'dax of House Do'th, a hand resting upon beast hide

Cover image: by TheExasperatedDM


Author's Notes


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