Autumn Realm Geographic Location in excal-heim | World Anvil

Autumn Realm (One of four dream realms)

This plane is a vast forest, perpetually stuck in fall.

Natural Laws

  • Must be 6th level to enter.
  • Entering this plane for the first time in 24 hours gives the benefits of a long rest.
  • Planer Boon

    These are gained when a creature enters the Autumn Realm and are lost upon leaving.
  • Temporary hit points equal to 50% of their max hp.
  • Increase total spell slots below 5th level by 50%.
  • Fauna

    small creature, Displacer beast, All forms of Vampire, micro-griffon, Griffon, Wolves, Dire Wolves, Werewolves, Dire Werewolf, Night Drake, Deathclaw, Drider, Tiny Tarrasque




    Autumn Solstice Estate

    Owner: Selina, lady of the Hunt.
    Residents: Selina's Hunter.
    Main location: A Hunting lodge that seems to have grown out of the ground.

    Daylight cycle

  • Dawn is always at 8 am
  • Dusk is always at 6 pm
  • Daylight lasts for 10 hours
  • Night lasts for 14 hours
  • Follows a 4-day lunar cycle.
    1. new moon
    2. waxing crescent
    3. full moon
    4. waning crescent
    Dimensional plane