K'Tawl Swamp Geographic Location in Exandria | World Anvil
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K'Tawl Swamp

The sprawling swamplands of K'Tawl cover much of the southern Lucidian Coast, enveloping Stilben and the K'Tawl Bay. The marsh is thick with cypress and tupelo trees reaching up from muddy waters that range from one to ten or more feet deep in places. The hot, muggy air and thick, sludge-covered landscape are host to all manner of terrible beasts, including venomous flying snakes and man-eating giant frogs.   Bands of frog-men occasionally harry the edges of Stilben from their deep-marsh encampments, while a vicious school of swamp-faring sahuagin keep the shoreline of K'Tawl for themselves. The edges of the marsh are often used by orc marauders to ambush caravans or messengers traveling to or from Stilben, so travel is rarely made without armed escort.
Wetland / Swamp
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