Session 2: into the mines Report Report in Exandria | World Anvil
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Session 2: into the mines Report

General Summary

The Character accepted the quest from the margrave to venture into the mines of the Ironseat Ridge to search for the lost miners.   As they ventured deeper and deeper the party found that the place was slowly being overtaken by molds and fungi. The lost miners were seemingly also taken by these inhabitants. Scribble knew these monsters to be Vegepygmy, A typ that requires organic material to grow.   As the party quickly dealt with the threat they ventured deeper and found a fungi hive. As they went deeper the threat grew, eventually causing the party to flee. escaping with their lives.   In the eye of such great danger the party discovered an unexpected ability in one of their member. As the party were about to be overrun, Talab dropped down on all fours and turned himself into a menancing dragon. Torching the nearing Fungi and buying the party the time they needed.   leaving the caves the party stopped for a quick break. It was a that moment the party was attacked leaving all of them unconcious.
Exandria chronociles
Talab Algharad
Sniv Sik
Level 1 Kobold Lawful Neutral Wizard
/ 9 HP
barend bats
Player Journals
Vegepygmies (nog niet af) by Sniv Sik
Report Date
24 May 2020
Primary Location

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