Sniv Sik Character in Exandria | World Anvil
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Sniv Sik

Scrawny kobold looking to complete his volodex

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Vegepygmies (nog niet af)

Vegepygmies zijn een soort paddenstoel wezens die in kleine stammen leven. Ze nemen langzaam hun leef omgeving over door sporen te verspreiden.   Vegepygmies worden ook wel schimmel schaar of schimmellaars genoemd. Ze wonen vaak in donkeren en vochtige locaties, onder de grond of diep in een donker bos. Ze gaan goed om met anderen paddenstoelen en planten waaronder bijvoorbeeld Paarse Waaiers (zie pag. 224, overige wezens). Ze eten het liefst recent levende wezens maar kunnen ook voedingsstoffen uit de grond ophalen en hebben daarom bijna nooit te weinig eten. Ze maken wel een paar geluiden maar niemand weet wat ze betekenen, de enige reden dat we wel weten dat ze iets betekenen is omdat men ze heeft zien communiceren via vreemde fluit geluiden, gebaren en op verschillende plekken van hun lichaam kloppen. Ze komen meestal op uit lijken die door (???) zijn gestorven.   Ondanks dat ze niet de sterkste wezens zijn groeien ze verrassend snel terug, dit kan worden tegengehouden door middel van ijs of vuur.   pag. 196

Backstory till campaign start

Scribbles was born in a small colony of kobolds living in the sewers beneath wildruun. after a few years of resonably peaceful living a group of adventurers found the borrows below the sewers and soon everyone, including Scribbles, was scrabeling to get away. Having no clue where the others went he decided to hide out in the alleys behind the market ward. After a few days of scavenging for food he ran into a young sage named Petran working in the cobalt reserve. Taking a liking to Scribbles, he brought him inside so Scribbles could serve as his assistant and friend. All went well for a while, Scribbles starting to show promise in the arcane and Petran was getting close to finishing his research about why gnomes are assholes (atleast thats what he told Scribbles), when some found out there was a kobold running around in the reserve. Running to grab his favorite book, Volo's guide to monsters, he was caught right when he got to it. Trying to hold on to it, it got pryed out of his hands. A few moment before he was gonna get drop-kicked in to the lower atmosfere Petran showed up to save him from the guard. Giving him a page of the book and dimention dooring to who knows where. Scribbles ran into the wild before even looking at the page. When he did, it turned out to be the index of Volo's. Vowing to complete the book once again and show how far he'd come to Petran he glued it to the first page of his spellbook and wandered off.


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