Session 20211207 report Report in Exalted: in the Age of Sorrows | World Anvil

Session 20211207 report

General Summary

Earlsport to Nightfall Island

11 Ascending Wood to 13 Ascending Wood (arbitrary dates, try to track after this)

Travel from Earlsport to Nightfall Island

Travelled from Earlsport to One Axe Island. Along the way saw white buoys placed by Lintha pirates. They briefly investigated, determined they do not connect to a net and will not impede ship movement, several sailors throrised about the purpose (warning to frighten victims and convince others to surrender, marking a wreck for later treasure salvage).

Landed at a semi-permanent settlement on One Axe Island, after a warning from Hawk From Above that carrying more than one axe (or anything similiar) for the group would be a very bad idea. The Islander tribe presnet are bringing down some of the enormous Orphan Spruces by slow burning, and then turning them into large war canoes. Sea Harpy, shaman of the people was happy enough to talk (didn't see him outside of his full head wooden mask), told them the story of the War twixt Sea and Shore, and that the main gods of the Island are Orphan Father (a Forest Walker) and Mother Spruce (a Dryad), who both "came from the East in ages past". Edges of camp marked by small rock cairns and beyond, Mathias Stormcrow saw a Dryad watching the camp, occasionally a roughly terrier sized cat turned up and seemed to be passing messages.
Dryads can provide small magical items (such as a pine cone that always points to the Dryad's tree) if they are pleased with a mortal.
Late at night Mathias work up and saw a flying ship passing overhead, he and Little Raven followed it to a landing platform made of a large slab of stone supported by several large spruces. It was carrying gods from other islands to a conclave here (as land gods can't enter the domain of sea gods without permission the ship is the only way for them to reach the conclave).

Next day sailed to a settlement on Five Taboos and Many Island (Sea Harpy provided directions after warning that the taboos on the island are so complicated that local guidance would be essential). During the day the water colour changed and a little later Storm Mother Agaderak rode the sounding line up to the deck. Struck the PCs as a little manic, demanding a sacrifice of cats or blood by combat (Mathias tried a drop of blood from him and Heron but she was not impressed), Marag -ang "innocently" asked why she wasn't at the conclave at One Axe Island, she quickly jumped overboard to go see why she wasn't invited. But not before she instructed Marag-ang to carry a bronze scroll tube to the Grey Hermitage on Nightfall Island. Mathias opened the tube, so epically that it was not only undetectable but he created a copy of Ageradak's signet. It contains instructions (so precise and scientific that the PCs believe she must have stolen them from someone else) for a way to remove shadowland taint from water, not that this seems to have much practical purpose (though they could use it as part of changing the aspect of the Demense of their own Manse (Crested Wave Estate).

Settlement on Five Taboos and Many Island did show many signs of weird taboos (strange buildings, some people walking backwards, strange clothes), but the night was uneventful.
Game ended with the ship in sight of No More on Nightfall Island, which Elegance in Motion believes was the Shogunate provincial capital that An-Teng was governed from.

Report Date
20 Dec 2021
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