The Bronze and Heroic Ages Myth in Exalted Greece | World Anvil

The Bronze and Heroic Ages

The Brazen race was created during this time, mortals of sterner disposition and more ready to use arms, but not yet impious. Zeus made this third generation of mortal men sprung from ash-trees.   This race — terrible and strong — was in no way equal to the race of the Silver Age. They loved war and all deeds of violence. They ate no bread, and their hearts were hard like adamant. The armor of these fearful men was of bronze, and so were their houses, along with all their implements, since there was no iron. These men, some say, were destroyed by their own hands, and perished leaving no trace. This was made even more terrible by the return of the Exalted. The power of the shards was so great that even without direction they would find humans to bind to. The Celestial Exalted rose up to yet again lead humanity to terrible ends.   The 7th legion splintered during this age and dispersed across all of creation gathering other mortals into their ranks. This splintering led to the dispersion of the remaining Terrestrial Exalted blood. They felt spurned by the gods as their fellow mortals were destroyed, their order started teaching mortals to hate the gods and their allies. They remained in contact through use of silver age artifacts.  
  When the first Bronze generation was extinguished, Zeus made yet another, the fourth, which was nobler and more righteous: a god-like race of heroes, called demigods. This is the race before our own. For this reason the Bronze Age is often called the Heroic Age because of the great deeds and martial feats that these heroes would perform. The likes of Herakles, Akhilles, @Jason, @Atlanta, and @Helen were yet unknown when this age began, but would never be forgotten when it ended.   The final survivor of the original 7th legion, a girl named @Pandora, had been gifted a beautiful box by her father Prometheus. She had been told to guard it with her life and to never open it unless there was a time of great need. She saw the world as it was and after centuries of vigialnce, opened the box. From this box spewed forth the children of Eris. The evils of the world were stored within now poured forth, eager to feast on mortals. Pandora was horrified by her actions, cursing her father for having her unleashing these spirits of suffering and strife. But then she looked into the box, and saw Elpis, a goddess that had not been known in the world since before the Titanomachy, the goddess of hope. Prometheus had sought to hide her away from the Titans fearing she would be the first slain, but he was unable to close the box before the evils sneaked in. And thus, hope returned to the world.   The Celestial exalted of this generation wished to make up for the actions of their predecessors. They traveled into the underworld and gathered the souls of the slain gods. These gods rose from the dead to their previous powers and were granted the title of Phoenix. In exchange for this act the gods agreed to free the titans Helios, Selene , and their sister, Eos , though with their power diminished. This power left behind was twisted by the fringes of the Abyss. The golden sun and white moon were replaced by a hellish green sun which cast no shadows and blood red moon which twisted the souls of the remaining imprisoned Titans, leading their souls and minds to splinter becoming the Diableon . These Diableon spawned their own new race, deamons of pure malevolence who wish to fulfill their parents dark wish of sinking Creation down into Tartaros .   Many among these men were destroyed by wars, like those that took place at Thebes and Troy. Others still perished in journeys to the ends of Creation, where they fought the Fair Folk at the edge of the Wyld, striving to keep the frayed edges of the world from being undone by their evil. The Exalted of this generation gathered together to drive off these invaders. In the end though their actions were valiant, but the invasions of the Fair Folk were too much, and most of them came to bad ends.   But to some whose actions were extraordinary, Zeus granted an abode apart from other men, letting them dwell—untouched by sorrow—at the ends of earth, in Elysium or in the Islands of the Blest, where the earth bears grain and fruit six-fold times a year.


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