What have I done? BLINK Document in Evos | World Anvil

What have I done? BLINK

Summer 2021, Week 4, Thursday evening

Helico, Downtown

Murvitt Olin

This makes no sense. Why is it taking so long to get results? How many more tests-Did I take my medicat-not important. I need results. He yawns shakily, the lack of sleep catching up with him. He was exhausted in every sense of the word. He barely took any time to eat, let alone sleep the past few days. I can't wait for that doctor to get back to me. I need to help him now.. He places a vial of Evelyn's blood on a tray, next to a syringe to inject Kirill with. No matter the consequences.   Walking carefully with the tray in hand, he makes his way to the room where Alexei and Kirill lay in wait. "I-I have a t-treatment r-ready. Th-this is v-vials of that e-evo doctor's b-blood. W-will l-likely buy t-time while a p-permanent s-solution is d-developed."  

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei, who had been occupying himself with a small rubber ball, tilted his head as he looked to the treatment. "This is... Superman blood swap? That works?" His face betrayed the struggle of his mind as he attempted to work through the science of EVO abilities transfering through blood.   Kirill sat silently in his containment area, a modest sized room with a plexiglass wall for viewing the patient. His straight black hair hung loosely in his face, black suit appearing a bit disheveled as he sat with his back against the wall, sitting on his bed. Sleepy looking green eyes turned towards his doctor, gazing over the syringe with a blank expression.  

Murvitt Olin

"Th-the blood w-will act a-as a r-rejuv-venating agent f-for his b-body. It i-is u-uncert-tain if th-this will b-be long t-term t-treatment, b-but this i-is g-good short t-term s-solution, Alexei. Evo d-doctor blood is p-proven effective t-treating physical c-conditions, though p-process is p-painful." He nervously begins to sterilize an injection area on Kirill, thinking This is only short term. What if it doesn't fully heal the boy? Maybe I should enhance the properties of the blood? Will that work? He slowly draws a portion of the precious blood from its vial into the syringe and primes the needle.   "Are y-you r-ready, Kirill? I w-want you t-to b-be aware th-this w-will be p-painful as i-it repairs b-body, but i-it is t-temporary p-pain, and y-you w-will f-feel much b-better after." He asks as green whisps materialize in the air around the syringe, a few of them darting into the dark red liquid within.
[Power Enhancement, Normal x1 (plus an estimate of how much EP he would have expended keeping Kirill's power dampened), -3EP (3/15)]

Kirill Sidorov

The boy merely observed, watching the energy buzz around the liquid in the syringe as Murv administered the iodine smear, pale skin turning yellow as the veins beneath betrayed the green glow of his power.   "Treat physical how?" Alexei asked, leaning over to peer beyond Murv's shoulder, nervously looking to the administration site on his brother's arm.  

Murvitt Olin

"The b-blood, w-when introduced t-to a s-sick body, will s-spread through and f-fix, like n-no s-sickness was th-there. B-because it i-is his p-power c-causing s-sickness, I f-fear this w-will be a t-temporary treatment and n-not p-permanent solution." He yawns once more and tries to shake off how exhausted he was, locked in a perpetual state of simultaneous sluggishness and anxious stress. "But.. th-this is b-best solution p-presented so f-far."  

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei shrugged, not entirely understanding the science of it, but trusting Murv to fashion the treatments. After all, they were specifically told to seek him out for his genetics mastery. "We understand, this is not a problem they teach you in school, for how to make cure for radioactive mobster boy. You invent this, invent it good."   Kirill silently braced himself for the pain of the injection, unsure of what to expect from the experimental procedure.  

Murvitt Olin

Unsure of how this will turn out, he hesitates. the samples I retrieved from him seemed to rewrite their own genetic code over time, all in similar end results. What if this simply accelerates process? The samples mixed with the blood seemed to repair or change, depending on the level of change that has occurred. Is it too far into the process where the blood will accelerate the change? What would be end result?   He takes a shaky breath, nervous from so much uncharted medical territory with vast amounts of unknowns. But.. This is pioneering a branch of evolutionary sciences that has never before been attempted. "Slight p-pinch, then s-scary part." Steeling his nerves, he finds a viable intermuscular injection site and administers the empowered blood solution into Kirill.  

Kirill Sidorov

As the needle pierced the boy's body, Kirill's face tightened, turning his head away from Murv and his treatment as the intense burn began to spread through his arm, like a needle of molten lead, slowly seeping out into the rest of his body. Only after a few moments did the boy realize he had been tensing nearly every muscle he could, trying his best to relax and allow the treatment to work its path through his body, the veins pumping glowing green liquid in his veins, visible from the outside with the naked eye. His fingertips began to blacken, the fissures in his flesh cracking and expanding around his hands and eyes, and unnatural green light eminating from beneath his white buttoned shirt, his eyes seeping light and, as he opened his mouth to let out a stifled scream, the glow poured from his mouth behind blackening teeth.  

Murvitt Olin

His eyes widen at the reaction, setting him off when the stifled scream of pain and anguish pierced his ears, harsh green light flooding the room. He turns to Alexei, and shouts in Russian "Go! This looks dangerous!" He blinks to the next room, focusing on a spot he knew there would be no people, the scream seeming to follow his hearing even past a concrete wall.
[Teleportation, Minor x1, -1 EP (14/15)]

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei, wearing a look of panic and concern, looked between the two as Murv teleported out of the room, rushing to comfort his brother before a black and green hand raised to him. "Go!" the boy called, prompting no argument as Alexei dove through the clear protective door, slamming it behind him as he continued to run into the next room, collapsing in a panting heap, loosening the black tie around his neck. "That is, as American say, no bween."  

Murvitt Olin

His eyes dart around, panic and bewilderment replacing all of his exhaustion as he nervously and repeatedly blinks about the room with each hyperventilating breath, his breathing and pulse growing quicker and more rapid as a singular thought repeats over and over in his mind: What have I done? BLINK What have I done? BLINK What have I done? BLINK What have I done? BLINK
[Teleportation, Basic x4, -0EP (14/15)]

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei, slumped against the wall opposite the containment cell, observed the figure within. His brother emitted a constant glow, casting eerie, sickly green light from the clear wall of the room. "He breathes. Pain is great, but... he breathes."   Within the containment area, Kirill stirred. His body, though usually pale, was now seemingly translucent, radioactive green glow escaping his visage, the black silhouette of bones detectable beneath the light and flesh and skin. The pain lingered, but he was alive. His head was swimming, he felt nauseous, his knees were weak as he stood, looking out to his brother beyond the hospital cell.  

Murvitt Olin

Beginning to slow his breathing after some time, and stopping his manic and erratic teleporting, he brings himself to look upon.. failure. He seemed to not only simply heal the boy, but accelerate whatever power that was present inside of him. How... How is this possible? He wonders to himself, feeling the crushing despair weighing on his mind as heavily as the exhausted feeling that pervades his entire being. It should have just healed him, not accelerated his power condition. I must be missing something.. I have to be missing links... He looks shamefully towards Alexei and Kirill, subconsciously awaiting beratement, disappointment and abuse. "I.. I shall go back to drawing board. Is.. as you put it, no bween..." He shakily makes his way toward Kirill, his outstretched hand surrounded by red motes once more to suppress his power once more, to buy some time as he would rest and recover.
[Power Dampening, Normal x1, -3EP (0/15)]

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei remained, unmoving on the floor with his back against the wall, dirty blonde hair disheveled. As Murv activated his muting power towards Kirill, the boy recoiled in pain. The green glow subsided, but remained faintly peeking through the skin, black bones silhouetted ever so slightly. As the radioactive aura faded, the boy's sickly appearance returned, a cold sweat covering his pale, clammy body, long black hair hanging limply in his face, laboured breathing heard through the clear plexiglass divider.  

Murvitt Olin

Exhaustion begins to take him once more, compounded from the previous accumulation and the aftermath of sheer panic that pervaded his mind. "I.. I am s-sorry. We are s-so close to breakthrough.." His apology seemed to be for both of the present Sidorovs, the guilt on his face was matched only by the sheer tired look that was also present.   Urging that Kirill rest, he makes his way back to Alexei, and offers to help him back up, wincing and ready for a threat, a crushing grip, a painful strike, or a tight and choking grasp that would snuff him out. 'To fail the Sidorovs is to invite death' He remembered his grandfather's warning from long ago.  

Kirill Sidorov

Kirill, lacking the energy to respond, slumped into the hospital bed in his chambers. Alexei, however, was still as the grave, back to the wall, one leg bent up with his arm resting on his knee. He looked up to Murv, sighing as he turned his face to the ground, patting the floor beside him. "This is... no small task. Kirill, my brother, he has been unwell since child, yes? Artyom, he is strong, he never hurt. Alexei, I punch, very good punch, I do. Kirill... he is different. He is... Kid Chernobyl, much power in small body. We know, very long we know, this power is bad for him. Good for crime, good for family, but bad for boy. You make serum, blood for power. This is good for power, or good for boy? Who can say..."  

Murvitt Olin

He pauses, considering the weight to the man's words through the murk of an overly tired mind. Perhaps simply healing the boy or diluting his power isn't enough.. Is he suggesting I find a way to shut off his power for good.. But if I disappoint Sidorov family, I am good as dead, or worse.. And.. he tries unsuccessfully to stifle a yawn, rubbing his temples with his thumb and index finger. And simply taking the power away from boy will get me killed.   "Serum was m-meant to heal the boy's physical state.. but there m-must be something else that it e-empowered beneath his exterior. I n-need to run more t-tests now that things have ch-changed.." He stifles yet another, longer yawn as he explains the directions he is to take. "I need to f-find root of why it not only h-healed boy's exterior, but strengthened his p-power, as well. The boost I gave serum should h-have only strengthened the healing capability, not his power.. Must run more t-tests." He now rubs his tired, bloodshot eyes as he struggles to stay awake. Too much to do.. So little time to do what must be done..  

Kirill Sidorov

Alexei nodded, his head still hanging down, staring into the floor behind dirty blonde hair. "You are in bad spot, friend. To save the power, or save the boy. Can both be done?" He stood, placing a hand on Murv's shoulder, his blue eyes dark with thought. "This is why we come to you."  

Murvitt Olin

Murv nods, taking a deep breath, somehow comforted by the big hand that encompasses his shoulder and the hope that lines Alexei's words. "I hope I haven't shortened time constraints in the process.." he speaks softly, glancing back at Kirill. "If his power makes body deteriorate, I fear I may have done just that.." As if on queue, another long yawn escapes him, stifled as he puts his hand over his mouth.   He reaches into his lab coat, and into his shirt pocket to retrieve an old pocket watch, the design on its face that of an intricately smithed bear head. Not only did it show the time, but the date and month as well, and blinks at the realization that it had been two days since he had gotten any rest. "I am sorry, but I must rest. Maybe attack day with fresh and sharp mind, yes?"  

Kirill Sidorov

Releasing his grasp on the doctor, Alexei nodded, reaching down to grab his black ball, fidgeting with it absently. “You have done your best. Continue to do so, and crime will be fair to you.”  


Opting to retire to a cot moved to his laboratory, Murv attempts to finally sleep as his mind is plagued with questions about the outcome of this procedure. In truth, he would treat this procedure as an experiment, for even in failure he can gain new knowledge to procure a successful procedure in the future.
Record, Historical
Digital Recording, Text


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