NoName Podcast 2021-150 Document in Evos | World Anvil

NoName Podcast 2021-150

Summer 2021, Week 5

Sunday morning

NoName Podcast


What's a hero? Is it someone who wears a fancy costume and goes out at night? Or maybe we want to be more technical and say its someone sanctioned by the government, like AERI. Where do we draw the line? This is a question many are currently tackling in the halls of power. You heard the news. 'Recent reports of vigilantes.' Ha, recent my ass. My sources can confirm reports dating back pre-BoH to Evos that were out and about doing the job. The job of protecting people.   That's not really the question though is it? The question is who holds these people accountable. Who makes their moral outlines. Think about it. AERI, whether you agree with it or not, are controlled by the people in power. The City. They hold them accountable. They give them authority to act. Is this the best path? Don't look at me to answer that, I'm just here to give you the information. So AERI heroes are controlled by the people in power. Restrained by them. Directed by them. They're super powered police, and we've seen how bad Police can be when not controlled properly.   Then we have the freelancers. The Evos who grabbed a onesie, went out, and punched a robber in the streets. Who controls them? Well, themselves obviously. And maybe the court of public opinion more than AERI. We have this one guy, Unbreakable reports say, who many in the slums of the Park consider the new Victory. The better Victory if you ask some of the guys and gals he's saved. 'He's actually there for the little guy. The stories you don't hear about. My story, when some fucker tried to mug me after getting off a job. He's our guy.' That's a quote from one of Unbreakable's jobs. We have another one out there who wears a suit, we don't have his name yet, but we know both of these guys were out at Henry, along with the Earth mover, the fire user, a whole list of Evos who stand up and say Enough is Enough.   But what if we don't like how they say it   What if they start handling things in a way the people don't agree with. The people in power, the people on the streets. Who holds them accountable? As much as I don't want to say it, I think we all know. So how long is it until the people in power direct AERI to handle the people of the streets? How long until our fire tossing Inferno is sent to apprehend the earth moving do gooder? How long...and will they even do it?   --xx NoName
Statement, Artistic
Digital Recording, Audio
Authoring Date
July 18, 2021


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