New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 8 Document in Evos | World Anvil

New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 8

Summer 2021, Week 3

Monday morning

New Vic News

Mary Mays

“This is Mary Mays with today’s Breaking News. Tragedy in Henry today as news comes in about yesterday’s street fight between the Lostmen Street Gang and Blood Bolt. Before we go into this story, we advise all parents to either caution their children or remove them from the room at this time.”   “Yesterday evening, reports came in that a gunfight took place in the heart of Henry between two rival gangs. The Lostmen, a small-time organization known to the NVPD apparently got into an altercation with the growing 6th Street Sparks, better known as the criminal organization under the command of the notorious Blood Bolt. While the exacts of what prompted the conflict are unclear, eyewitnesses reported that beyond the use of high caliber weaponry, Evos were also involved in the fight on both sides, with Bolt having what some have taken to calling a ‘hit squad of powered freaks.’ Police report that 13 gangsters died in the conflict, with a majority of them being Lostmen, and another 11 were injured.”   “In worse and related news, three police officers were found dead near the scene of the conflict, riddled with what officers identified as electrical burns. We have received permission to release the officer’s identities as their families have already been contacted. At this time, we’d ask all our viewers to pay respect to Officer Michael Adna, Officer Aleksandra Rosa, and Corporal James Finnen.”   “While reports are unconfirmed at this time, it is highly suspected it was Blood Bolt himself who perpetrated the act given the nature of the officer’s injuries. Chief Butler informed our correspondents that he would address this matter at a news conference to be scheduled at a later time after he attends to the Officer’s families. The AERI team has been unable to respond as they are receiving information. Mayor Sims office had this to say:”  
The sun will rise. It always does. But today as the storm clouds come in, we take the moment to remember our heroes. Brave officers who responded to the call of duty, putting themselves in harm’s way to protect the innocent. They shall always be remembered, and the villain who perpetrated this act will be brought to swift and final judgment.
  “We will be right back with more Breaking News.”
"And we're back with Kaye Storms and the weather report. Kaye?"  

Kaye Storms

"Thanks, Mary, and can I just say my heart goes out to the families of those officers. We are here for you, and we grieve with you." Kaye takes a moment of silence before moving on. "As for the weather, this week we'll see some storms to match the turmoil going on in our city, but not before we get to enjoy some sun. Today and tomorrow will be mostly sunny with a few clouds and highs around 90, lows around 72. Moving into Wednesday, we'll see an increase in heat and cloud cover as a front moves in from the West. The high for Wednesday will be 93 with a low of 72. The front will bring rain for us here in New Victoria from Thursday all the way to Sunday. If you had outdoor plans for the weekend, I hope you can move them indoors or put them off. While Thursday will remain hot, the front will lower temperatures for us the rest of the week with highs in the low 80s and lows in the mid-60s. That's all for this week. Thanks for tuning in to New Vic Weather. Stay safe out there, folks. Back to you, Mary."  

Mary Mays

"Thanks Kaye! Don't forget your umbrella's folks. It's going to get wet out there it seems. In other news, police report there was an attempted assassination on visiting K-Pop Star, 꽃잎. Over the weekend, screaming was heard from their room which awoke neighbors who immediately called police. Responding units investigated the scene and interviewed 꽃잎, finally determination that someone had attempted to break into the room and either kidnap or injure the star. We are happy to report they are unharmed and that the shows set for next week are still on schedule!"
Statement, Artistic
Digital Recording, Video
Authoring Date
July 5, 2021


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