New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 5 Document in Evos | World Anvil

New Vic News: Summer 2021, Broadcast 5

Summer 2021, Week 2

Wednesday morning

New Vic News

Mary Mays

This is Mary Mays with our top story, the Bank gets Buzzed by a Battalion of Bees. The anchor had to take a moment to stifle a chuckle at that terrible title and the writer who had to surely rack their brain for it. Coughing, she continued.   Yesterday, the Wellington Branch of First Continental Bank was robbed by a man who could, as the witnesses state, "control bees." Eyewitnesses reported seeing a man in a garish yellow outfit that some compared to a fusion of a beekeeping suit and a hazmat walk into the bank and disable one of the guards with a swarm of bees. The guard, who is currently recovering from severe heat stroke, gave us a brief statement.   "One second I was wondering whether to laugh or tell the guy to stop, and next second I know I'm being swarmed hundreds, no, thousands of bees. Bees everywhere, man. It was insane. None of them strung me, but they wouldn't get off me. They just...swarmed me, I guess? Then things got hot and started to fade...."   The Bank is reporting that the single robber, who police have no lead on, made it away with around $200,000 in small bills that were regretfully not tracked as the robber specified avoiding larger bills from the banks vault. Police request that citizens assist by reporting any potential leads they have. At present, the lead detective states that there is no evidence to confirm the robber was an Evo. Quoted as saying, "Plenty of scientist have discussed how pheromones can cause bees to swarm. It could have been something he threw on the guard. We are investigating."
Statement, Artistic
Digital Recording, Video
Authoring Date
June 30, 2021


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