Everus Lowvires Barricade the Grand Palace of Andrala

Lowvires Barricade the Grand Palace of Andrala

Military action

15/3 16:00

The siege of Andrala went well, but not perfectly. Their 1,000 man army now cut by around half and the few Velian captives now getting antsy and threatening to break and fight back, the Lowvires understand that the battle wont be won today.

The palace isn't really a defencive structure, but it does the job fine. After securing and barring the gate to the palace's retaining wall, Imperial forces man it around the clock and fight off any feigned attempts at taking the city back.   The only people who fight are either guardsmen or extreme loyalists, but the Lowvire elites are far more experienced and they stand on the defencive fortifications that were designed to keep Andrala from attack in the first place.

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