Of Crown and Glory Item in Everus | World Anvil

Of Crown and Glory

The book series 'Of Crown and Glory', written in 505 AoE was released marking the fifth century of the Grand Empire of Lowvire to pay respect to the many years that came before it and to recognize the many steps and bounds that the empire has had to tak to get to where it is today; a world-spanning superpower.   The book is not so much a single piece of non-fiction, but a collection of extracts from other books sewn neatly together by a small trio of authors: Gladise Vorpal, Eral Doghurty and Rennei Dreizt. Their efforts combined 500 years of history into three volumes, jam packed with lore of historical pilitics, war and trivia. From the early musings of the first emperors to the recent invasions of western lands.   Public opinion of the book series was mixed; it picked a fitting, yet unfortunate time to release. Being that the empire was involved in two wars, one of which was in ceasefire, the other in stalemate. Most were quick to dismiss it as imperial propaganda, (a fitting claim, as many folk of Imperial providence were involved in its conception and content) others saw it as an attempt to cover up the rotten, bloody past of the empire: the massacres, subterfuge and racial descrimination that is ever-so-absent in the volumes of the book.   Volume one consists mostly of military and political record of the recent times around 400-500 AoE, including but not exclusive to the invasions of the Western Isles and the rise of Emperor Thevicus es Lowvire.   The second volume contains information mainly regarding the general political history of the empire, covering each ruler and their lineage. It is in this volume that trivial information like Zuhrer's Challenge are recorded.   The third volume is a cultural examination of the empire, covering its somewhat rich history of art, music and literature. It lightly touches on famous poets and playwrites like Vroth Lohn and Alaish while also covering the involvement and support to them offered by the imperial government.
Item type
Book / Document
Eastern Orchard Binding
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
The volumes increase in rarity through the series, but Volume 3 isn't too rare to be considered incredibly valuable.
A limited edition printing of the series was issued in 506 AoE, and is significantly more expensive, ranging in the thousands of gold.
9-10 lbs
8'' x 10'' x 5''
Base Price
20 crowns for Vol.1, 30 for Vol.2 and 50 for Vol.3


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